PEB 80900
Part II
: Operational Description
Data Sheet
Part II
: Operational Description
Control Procedures
A "Call-by-Call" activation or deactivation of the transmission link is provided for ISDN
basic access. In a deactivated state, the line and the terminal equipment (if it is not a
remote power fed device) are powered down. The entire transmission link, consisting of
one or more individual lines, has to be activated to enable the connection between
terminal equipment (TE) and exchange (LT).
The activation procedure is always initiated by one of the two end points and is handled
between them. The deactivation procedure can be initiated only by the exchange.
For (de-)activation procedures, no difference is made between LT, LT-BURST modes
and between NT-PABX, NT-PABX-BURST, NT-TE modes.
Seven states of activation of transmission lines can be distinguished.
1.) Activation of the link is initiated by one of the two ends
Line awake: Each individual line is being awoken, but is not yet synchronized,
data transmission is not yet possible.
Synchronization downstream: synchronization is always done downstream first,
the whole line has to synchronize on the exchange.
Synchronization upstream: Because the delay differs from line to line, bit
synchronization is necessary in the LT.
Synchronized: All layer 1 units of the link are told by the exchange that
synchronization has been finished.
2) Transparent: In the activated state, the user data is transmitted from exchange to TE
and vice versa.
3) Deactivation is done in two steps on each individual line separately.
Deactivation request downstream
Deactivation acknowledge upstream
The transmission link is totally deactivated thereafter.
To save time, each section of line does not have to wait for the transition of the entire
line before it is able to proceed to the next state. Therefore the individual line sections
may be at different states of activation.
To control the procedures, some control information has to be transmitted over the lines
(Uk0 interface, S-bus). Therefore, special signal elements on the Uk0 interface have
been specified. On the IOM
interface, the 8 * 4 kbit/s C/I channel (bit 27-30) is provided
to exchange the necessary control information.