PEB 2265
Semiconductor Group
The monitor channel works in 3 states
– idle state:
Monitor Handshake Procedure
A pair of inactive (set to ‘1’) MR- and MX-bits during two or more
consecutive frames: End of Message (EOM)
MX-bit is activated (set to ‘0’) by the monitor-transmitter, together
with data-bytes (can be changed) on the monitor-channel
– acknowledging: MR-bit is set to active (set to ‘0’) by the monitor-receiver, together
with a data-byte remaining in the monitor-channel.
A start of transmission is initiated by a monitor-transmitter in sending out an active
MX-bit together with the first byte of data (the address of the receiver) to be transmitted
in the monitor-channel.
This state remains until the addressed monitor-receiver acknowledges the received data
by sending out an active MR-bit, which means that the data-transmission is repeated
each 125
s frame (minimum is one repetition). During this time the monitor-transmitter
evaluates the MR-bit.
Flow control, means in the form of transmission delay, can only take place when the
transmitters MX and the receivers MR bit are in active state.
Since the receiver is able to receive the monitor data at least twice (in two consecutive
frames), it is able to check for data errors. If two different bytes are received the receiver
will wait for the receipt of two identical successive bytes (last look function).
A collision resolution mechanism (check if another device is trying to send data during
the same time) is implemented in the transmitter. This is done by looking for the inactive
(‘1’) phase of the MX-bit and making a per bit collision check on the transmitted monitor
data (check if transmitted ‘1’s are on DU/DD-line; DU/DD-line are open-drain lines).
Any abort leads to a reset of the IOM-2 – SICOFI-2 command stack, the device is ready
to receive new commands.
To obtain a maximum speed data transfer, the transmitter anticipates the falling edge of
the receivers acknowledgment.
Due to the inherent programming structure, duplex operation is not possible. It is
to send any data to the IOM-2 – SICOFI-2, while transmission is active.
– sending state: