Without the feedback from the last device, the first device
would wait for another externally supplied initialising pulse. In
such a system with N devices in parallel, then N continuous
transforms must be executed before the first device can wait
for a new INEN input.
When only one output processor is provided the data outputs
from all devices are connected together, and internal logic will
enable the tri-state outputs when a device is ready to output
data i.e. DAV goes active. When data blocks are overlapped
it is possible that the output rate requirements will limit the
input sampling rate (see section on Multiple Device Sampling
Rates). Additional output processors will remove this
restriction, and the correct choice of multiple device operating
mode will optimise the sampling rates that can be achieved
with a given number of devices.
The synchronisation intervals, necessary to co-ordinate input
and output operations with the transform operation, lead, in
effect, to some uncertainty in the time needed to complete a
transform. Thus a particular device in a multiple device system
can effectively complete a transform in less system clock
periods than another device in the same system. To prevent
one device turning on its output bus before the previous one
has finished, it is either necessary to use a faster output rate
than would otherwise be required, or to use the inverted DAV
output from one device to drive the DEN input of the next. The
latter option allows DIS and DOS to be connected together,
and ensures that the second device will not output data until
the first device has finished.
This method of driving the DEN input from the inverted DAV
output from a previous device requires a change to the single
device DAV and DEN operation. If DEN is active at the end of
a transform in a multiple device system, the DAV output will go
active when the output circuit has been primed by the DOS
strobes. This operation is identical to that provided for a single
device system, and is transparent to the user as long as DEN
and DOS are active . If DEN is not active, however, the DAV
output will not asynchronously go active as happens in a single
device system. Instead DAV will only go active when DEN
eventually goes active. Since DEN is the inverted DAV output
from a previous device, it is thus never possible for two devices
to be actively outputtng data. The DAV active going edge
remains synchronised to the DOS strobe since the DEN input
will only go active when a previous DAV goes in-active. A
further change to the output circuitry ensures that the output
buffer is primed even though DEN is not active. The first word,
however, only progresses as far as the final output latch. The
output bus is not enabled, and address increments do not
occur, until DEN is finally received. This modification to the
internal control logic ensures that the output buffer does not
impose unnecessary gaps between consecutive transforms.
These gaps would, in turn, force the required DOS frequency
to be greater than the DIS frequency ( or greater than twice or
four times the frequency with 50% and 75% overlaps ).
The system illustrated by Figure 9 produces a common DAV
output by OR'ing together all the individual, active low, DAV
outputs. This is not guaranteed to give an indication when one
transform has finished, and the next one has started, since it
may simply glitch as one DAV goes in-active and the next one
goes active after some delay. This glitch will not cause system
problems since it occurs at a point clear of the high going edge
of the DOS strobe. To provide a marker for the end of a
transform each in-active going DAV edge should set its own
latch, which is then reset by a subsequent DOS edge. The
output of the latches can then be OR'd together if necessary.
Three multiple device operating modes are actually provided,
and are selected with Control Register Bits 10:9. The choice
of a particular mode is application dependent, and will effect
the maximum sampling rate achievable with a given number
of devices.
Multiple DEevice Sampling Rates
Mode 1. (BITS 10:9 = 01)
In this mode transfers in and out of the device are concurrent
with transform operations. This mode must not be used for
1024 point transforms due to internal memory size
restrictions. When real transforms are performed in this mode,
only the real data input is used, regardless of the amount of
block overlapping.
The increase in performance is directly related to the number
of devices provided, but the input and output rates are limited
to F where F and are as defined previously. Within this
restriction the theoretical performance is given by;
NnS > PK+4W, or 0.5NnS > PK+4W, or 0.25NnS > PK+4W
for 0%, 50%, or 75% overlapping. N is the number of devices,
n is the transform size, S is the DIS strobe period, P is the
number of system clock periods given in Table 4, K is the
system clock period, and W is the DOS strobe period. Note
that DIS should be synchronous to SCLK, and also that DOS
should be synchronous to SCLK.
If an output processor is provided for every device, two
devices with 50% block overlapping or four devices with 75%
block overlapping will give the same sampling rates as a single
device with no overlapping. If only one output processor is
provided, the two or four times increase needed in the output
rate over the input rate, usually imposes a limit on the input
rate, since the output rate is limited to a factor, F, of SCLK.