Parallel Programming of the M16C/62 Flash Memory with the ATC
PGM1000 Programmer
1. Abstract
The following article describes using the ATC (Advanced Transdata) PGM1000 programmer to parallel
program the flash memory of the M16C/62 series of microcontrollers. The MCU mode of parallel flash
programming is referred to in the M16C/62 data sheets as “Parallel I/O Mode”.
2. Introduction
The Mitsubishi M16C/62 series of microcontrollers is a 16-bit family of MCUs, based on Mitsubishi’s
popular M16C CPU core. These parts provide high memory efficiency, power-saving ability, low noise
emission, and improved noise immunity. The flash versions of the device contain flash memory that can
be rewritten with a single voltage.
The M16C/62 flash can be programmed using one of three methods: Parallel I/O Mode, Standard Serial
I/O Mode, and CPU Rewrite Mode. It is the Parallel I/O Mode that is detailed in this article.
The flash memory is divided into two major blocks, a user program area and a boot ROM area. The user
program area is for the normal application program and data. Any program in the boot ROM area is
accessed only when a special hardware reset sequence is initiated. This boot ROM area has a control
program stored in it when shipped from the factory. The program allows asynchronous or synchronous
serial programming of the user area of the flash. Changes to the boot area of the flash can only be made
using Parallel I/O Mode.
3. Setting Up the PGM1000 Programmer
Select the appropriate program adapter for the M16C device package that will be used. There are
currently two adapters for the M16C/62 parts, as shown in Table 1
Table 1. Adapters for M16C Device
Adapter Name
Supported Devices
M30620/M30624FP (100-pin SPFQ)
M30620/M30624GP (100-pin QFP)
The adapters are marked to indicate J1 and J2.
September 2001