1999 Mar 10
Philips Semiconductors
Product specification
Microcontrollers for PAL/SECAM TV
with OSD and VST
P8xCx66 family
The P8xCx66 family provides 24, 32, 48 or 64 kbytes of
program memory (ROM/EPROM) plus 512, 1024 or
2048 bytes of data memory (RAM) on-chip (see Table 1).
The device has separate address spaces for program and
data memory (see Fig.4). These devices have no external
memory access capability as the RD (read), WR (write),
EA (External Access), PSEN (read strobe) and ALE
(Address Latch Enable) signals are not bonded out.
Data memory
The P8xCx66 family contains 512, 1024 or 2048 bytes of
internal RAM and 56 Special Function Registers (SFRs).
Figure 4 shows the internal data memory space divided
into the lower 128, the upper 128, AUX-RAM and the SFR
space. The lower 128 bytes of internal RAM are organized
as shown in Fig.5. The lowest 32 bytes are grouped into
4 banks of 8 registers. Program instructions refer to these
registers as R0 to R7. Two bits in the Program Status
Word (PSW) select which register bank is in use. The next
16 bytes above the register bank form a block of
bit-addressable memory space. The 128 bits in this area
can be directly addressed by the single-bit manipulation
instructions. The remaining registers (30H to 7FH) are
directly and indirectly byte addressable. The registers that
reside at addresses above 7FH and up to FFH can only be
accessed indirectly. These register addresses overlap the
SFR addresses as described in Section 6.2.
Special Function Registers
The upper 128 bytes are the address locations of the
SFRs when accessed directly. SFRs include the port
latches, timers, 7-bit PWMs, 14-bit VST PWM, ADCs and
OSD control registers. These registers can only be
accessed by direct addressing. There are
128 bit-addressable locations in the SFR address space
(SFRs with addresses divisible by eight). Their addresses
are a multiple of 08H, from 80H to F8H. (i.e., 80H, 88H,
90H, 98H etc.). See Chapter 19 for SFR list.
The 1792 byte (P87C766) or 768 byte (P83C766)
AUX RAM, while physically located on-chip, logically
occupies the first 1792/768 bytes of external data memory.
As such, it is indirectly addressed in the same way as
external data memory using MOVX instructions in
combination with any of the registers R0, R1 or DPTR.
The P80C51 CPU has five methods for addressing source
Base-register-plus index-register-indirect.
The first three methods can be used for addressing
destination operands. Most instructions have a
‘destination/source’ field that specifies the data type,
addressing methods and operands involved.
For operations other than MOVs, the destination operand
is also a source operand.
Access to memory addressing is as follows:
Registers in one of the four register banks through
register direct or indirect
Internal RAM (128 bytes) through direct or
Special Function Registers through direct
External data memory through register-indirect
(for AUX RAM)
Program memory look-up tables through
base-register-plus index-register-indirect.