In this figure, the internal OPAMP is used to perform a
kind of constant current operation (CC) by taking the lead
when the other voltage loop is gone (CV). Due to the ORing
capability on the FB pin, the OPAMP regulates in constant
current mode. When the output reaches a low level close to
a complete shortcircuit, the OPAMP output is maximum.
With a resistive divider on the slow fault, this condition can
be detected to trigger the delayed fault. If no OPAMP shall
be used, its input must be grounded.
Slow Input
On this circuit, the slow input goes to a comparator.
When this input exceeds 1.0 V typical, the current source
Itimer turns on, charging the external capacitor Ctimer. If
the fault duration is long enough, when Ctimer voltage
reaches the VtimerON level (4.0 V typical), then all pulses
are stopped. Itimer turns off and the capacitor slowly
discharges to ground via a resistor installed in parallel with
it. As a result, the designer can easily determine the time
during which the power supply stays locked by playing on
Rtimer. Now, when the timer capacitor voltage reaches
1.0 V typical (VtimerOFF), the comparator instructs the
internal logic to issues pulses as on a clean softstart
sequence (softstart is activated). Please note that the
discharge resistor cannot be lower than 4.0 V/Itimer,
otherwise the voltage on Ctimer will never reach the
turnoff voltage of 4.0 V.
In both cases, when the fault is validated, both outputs A
and B are internally pulled down to ground.
Fast Fault
Figure 49. A resistor can easily program the capacitor discharge time.
Figure 50. Skip cycle can be
implemented via two
resistors on the FB pin to the
fast fault input.
Fast Input
The fast input is not affected by a delayed action. As soon
as its voltage exceeds 1.0 V typical, all pulses are off and
maintained off as long as the fault is present. When the pin
is released, pulses come back without softstart for the
A version, with softstart for the B version.
Due to the low activation level of 1.0 V, this pin can
observe the feedback pin via a resistive divided and thus
implement skip cycle operation. The resonant converter
can be designed to lose regulation in light load conditions,
forcing the FB level to increase. When it reaches the
programmed level, it triggers the fast fault input and stops
pulses. Then V
slowly drops, the loop reacts by
decreasing the feedback level which, in turn, unlocks the
pulses: Vout goes up again and so on: we are in skip cycle
Startup Behavior
When the V
voltage grows up, the internal current
consumption is kept to Istup, allowing to crank up the
converter via a resistor connected to the bulk capacitor.
When V
reaches the V
ON level, output A goes high
first and then output B. This sequence will always be the
same, whatever triggers the pulse delivery: fault, OFF to
ON etc
Pulsing the output A high first gives an
immediate charge of the bootstrap capacitor when an
integrated high voltage halfbridge driver is implemented
such as ON Semiconductor’s NCP5181. Then, the rest of
pulses follow, delivered at the highest switching value, set
by the resistor on pin 2. The softstart capacitor ensures a
smooth frequency decrease to either the programmed
minimum value (in case of fault) or to a value
corresponding to the operating point if the feedback loop
closes first. Figure 51 shows typical signals evolution at
power on.