A data transfer is started with a “START” condition and
ended with a “STOP” condition. A “START” condition is
defined by a HIGH to LOW transition on the SDA line
while SCL line is HIGH. A “STOP” condition is defined by
a LOW to HIGH transition on the SDA line while SCL line
is HIGH. All data transfer in I
C system is 8-bits long. Each
byte has to be followed by an acknowledge bit. Each data
transfer involves a total of 9 clock cycles. Data is
transferred starting with the most significant bit (MSB).
After a “START” condition, master device calls a specific
slave device, in our case, the Memsic accelerometer with a
7-bit device address. To avoid potential address conflict,
either by ICs from other manufacturers or by other Memsic
accelerometers on the same bus, a total of 8 different
addresses can be programmed into a Memsic device at the
Following the 7-bit address, the 8
bit determines the
direction of data transfer: [1] for READ and [0] for
WRITE. After being addressed, the available Memsic
device being called will respond by an “Acknowledge”
signal, which is pulling SDA line LOW.
In order to read an acceleration signal, the master device
should operate a WRITE action with a code of [xxxxxxx0]
into the Memsic device 8-bit internal register.
Bit Name
PD (Power Down)
ST (Self-test)
BGTST (bandgap test) Bandgap test [1]/normal[0]
out enable)
The ST bit serves as a self-test function to verify the
Memsic accelerometer is operating properly. BGTST is
used to calibrate the temperature output signal’s initial
offset. By flipping the BGTST bit and taking the average of
two readings, the temperature output initial offset will be
calibrated to within datasheet specifications.
After writing code of [xxxxxxx0] into the control register,
if a “READ” signal is received, during next 9 clock cycles,
the Memsic device being called will transfer 8-bits of data
to the I
C bus. If an “Acknowledge” by master device is
received, the Memsic device will continue to transfer the
next byte. The same procedure repeats until 5 bytes of data
are transferred to master device. Those 5 bytes of data are
defined as following (“T” is temperature output):
1. Internal register
2. MSB X/T axis
3. LSB X/T axis
4. MSB Y axis
5. LSB Y axis
Even though each axis consists of two bytes, which are 16-
bits of data, the actual accelerometer resolution is limited to
either 12 bits or 10 bits, which depends on an internal
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Power down [1]/on [0]
Self-test on [1]/off [0]
Temp Out EN [1]/disable[0]
output register refresh rate. Unused MSB’s will be simply
filled by “0”s.
Note that temperature output shares the same registers with
X channel output. Customer can select which signal needs
to be read out by using TOEN bit.
Refreshing rate
Zero-G Offset
The master can stop slave data transfer after any of the five
bytes by not sending an acknowledge command and
followed by a “STOP” condition.
10 bits
12 bits
Data transfer
The Memsic accelerometer can enter a power down mode
by the master device writing a code of [xxxxxxx1] into the
accelerometer’s internal register. A wake up operation is
performed when the master writes into the same register a
code of [xxxxxxx0]. Note that the MXC6202G/H/M/N
needs about 75mS (typical) for power up time.
First cycle: START followed by a calling to slave address
[0010xxx] to WRITE (8
SCL, SDA keep low). [xxx] Is
determined by factory programming, a total of 8 different
addresses are available.
Second cycle: After an acknowledge signal is received by
the master device (Memsic device pulls SDA line low
during 9
SCL pulse), master device sends “[00000000]” as
the target address to be written into. Memsic device should
acknowledge at the end (9
SCL pulse). Note: since
Memsic device has only one internal register that can be
written into, user should always indicate “[00000000]” as
the write address.
Third cycle: Master device writes to internal Memsic
device memory code “[xxxxxxx0]” as a wake-up call. The
Memsic device should send acknowledge signal. A STOP
command indicates the end of write operation. A 75msS
(typical) wait period should be given to Memsic device to
return from a power-down mode. The delay value depends
on the type of Memsic device. Generally speaking, low
power products tend to have longer startup time.