OKI Semiconductor
Read Operation
The read operation is controlled by three clocks, SRCK, RSTR, and RE. Read operation is accomplished by
cycling SRCK, and holding RE high after the read address pointer reset operation or RSTR.
Each read operation, which begins after RSTR, must contain at least 150 active read cycles, i.e. SRCK cycles while
RE is high.
Read Reset: RSTR
The first positive transition of SRCK after RSTR becomes high resets the read address counters to zero. RSTR
setup and hold times are referenced to the rising edge of SRCK. Because the read reset function is solely controlled
by the SRCK rising edge after the high level of RSTR, the states of RE and OE are ignored in the read reset cycle.
Before RSTR may be brought high again for a further reset operation, it must be low for at least *two SRCK
Data Out: D
0 to 11
Read Clock: SRCK
Data is shifted out of the data registers. It is triggered by the rising edge of SRCK when RE is high during a read
operation. The SRCK input increments the internal read address pointer when RE is high.
The three-state output buffer provides direct TTL compatibility (no pullup resistor required). Data out is the same
polarity as data in. The output becomes valid after the access time interval t
that begins with the rising edge of
SRCK. *There are no output valid time restriction on MSM5412222B.
Read Enable: RE
The function of RE is to gate of the SRCK clock for incrementing the read pointer. When RE is high before the
rising edge of SRCK, the read pointer is incremented. When RE is low, the read pointer is not incremented. RE
setup times (t
and t
) and RE hold times (t
and t
) are referenced to the rising edge of the SRCK
Output Enable: OE
OE is used to enable/disable the outputs. OE high level enables the outputs. The internal read address pointer is
always incremented by cycling SRCK regardless of the OE level. Note that OE setup and hold times are referenced
to the rising edge of SRCK.