Bit 5 – TWSTA: TWI START Condition Bit
The application writes the TWSTA bit to one when it desires to become a Master on the 2-wire
Serial Bus. The TWI hardware checks if the bus is available, and generates a START condition
on the bus if it is free. However, if the bus is not free, the TWI waits until a STOP condition is
detected, and then generates a new START condition to claim the bus Master status. TWSTA
must be cleared by software when the START condition has been transmitted.
Bit 4 – TWSTO: TWI STOP Condition Bit
Writing the TWSTO bit to one in Master mode will generate a STOP condition on the 2-wire
Serial Bus. When the STOP condition is executed on the bus, the TWSTO bit is cleared auto-
matically. In Slave mode, setting the TWSTO bit can be used to recover from an error condition.
This will not generate a STOP condition, but the TWI returns to a well-defined unaddressed
Slave mode and releases the SCL and SDA lines to a high impedance state.
Bit 3 – TWWC: TWI Write Collision Flag
The TWWC bit is set when attempting to write to the TWI Data Register – TWDR when TWINT is
low. This flag is cleared by writing the TWDR Register when TWINT is high.
Bit 2 – TWEN: TWI Enable Bit
The TWEN bit enables TWI operation and activates the TWI interface. When TWEN is written to
one, the TWI takes control over the I/O pins connected to the SCL and SDA pins, enabling the
slew-rate limiters and spike filters. If this bit is written to zero, the TWI is switched off and all TWI
transmissions are terminated, regardless of any ongoing operation.
Bit 1 – Res: Reserved Bit
This bit is reserved and will always read as zero.
Bit 0 – TWIE: TWI Interrupt Enable
When this bit is written to one, and the I-bit in SREG is set, the TWI interrupt request will be acti-
vated for as long as the TWINT Flag is high.
TWSR – TWI Status Register
Bits 7:3 – TWS: TWI Status
These 5 bits reflect the status of the TWI logic and the 2-wire Serial Bus. The different status
codes are described later in this section. Note that the value read from TWSR contains both the
5-bit status value and the 2-bit prescaler value. The application designer should mask the pres-
caler bits to zero when checking the Status bits. This makes status checking independent of
prescaler setting. This approach is used in this datasheet, unless otherwise noted.
Bit 2 – Res: Reserved Bit
This bit is reserved and will always read as zero.
Initial Value