AWeX – Advanced Waveform Extension
Waveform output with complementary output from each compare channel
Four dead-time insertion (DTI) units
8-bit resolution
Separate high and low side dead-time setting
Double buffered dead time
Optionally halts timer during dead-time insertion
Pattern generation unit creating synchronised bit pattern across the port pins
Double buffered pattern generation
Optional distribution of one compare channel output across the port pins
Event controlled fault protection for instant and predictable fault triggering
The advanced waveform extension (AWeX) provides extra functions to the timer/counter in waveform generation (WG)
modes. It is primarily intended for use with different types of motor control and other power control applications. It
enables low- and high side output with dead-time insertion and fault protection for disabling and shutting down external
drivers. It can also generate a synchronized bit pattern across the port pins.
Each of the waveform generator outputs from the timer/counter 0 are split into a complimentary pair of outputs when any
AWeX features are enabled. These output pairs go through a dead-time insertion (DTI) unit that generates the non-
inverted low side (LS) and inverted high side (HS) of the WG output with dead-time insertion between LS and HS
switching. The DTI output will override the normal port value according to the port override setting.
The pattern generation unit can be used to generate a synchronized bit pattern on the port it is connected to. In addition,
the WG output from compare channel A can be distributed to and override all the port pins. When the pattern generator
unit is enabled, the DTI unit is bypassed.
The fault protection unit is connected to the event system, enabling any event to trigger a fault condition that will disable
the AWeX output. The event system ensures predictable and instant fault reaction, and gives flexibility in the selection of
fault triggers.
The AWeX is available for TCC0. The notation of this is AWEXC.