Motorola Sensor Device Data
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0011 #pragma portrw scidata @ 0x11; /* SCI Data */
0012 #pragma portrw tcr @ 0x12; /* ICIE,OCIE,TOIE,0;0,0,IEGE,OLVL */
0013 #pragma portrw tsr @ 0x13; /* ICF,OCF,TOF,0; 0,0,0,0 */
0014 #pragma portrw icaphi1 @ 0x14; /* Input Capture Reg (Hi–0x14, Lo–0x15) */
0015 #pragma portrw icaplo1 @ 0x15; /* Input Capture Reg (Hi–0x14, Lo–0x15) */
0016 #pragma portrw ocmphi1 @ 0x16; /* Output Compare Reg (Hi–0x16, Lo–0x17)*/
0017 #pragma portrw ocmplo1 @ 0x17; /* Output Compare Reg (Hi–0x16, Lo–0x17)*/
0018 #pragma portrw tcnthi @ 0x18; /* Timer Count Reg (Hi–0x18, Lo–0x19) */
0019 #pragma portrw tcntlo @ 0x19; /* Timer Count Reg (Hi–0x18, Lo–0x19) */
001A #pragma portrw acnthi @ 0x1A; /* Alternate Count Reg (Hi–$1A, Lo–$1B) */
001B #pragma portrw acntlo @ 0x1B; /* Alternate Count Reg (Hi–$1A, Lo–$1B) */
001C #pragma portrw icaphi2 @ 0x1c; /* Input Capture Reg (Hi–0x1c, Lo–0x1d) */
001D #pragma portrw icaplo2 @ 0x1d; /* Input Capture Reg (Hi–0x1c, Lo–0x1d) */
001E #pragma portrw ocmphi2 @ 0x1e; /* Output Compare Reg (Hi–0x1e, Lo–0x1f)*/
001F #pragma portrw ocmplo2 @ 0x1f; /* Output Compare Reg (Hi–0x1e, Lo–0x1f)*/
/* put constants and variables here...they must be global */
1EFE 74 #pragma mor @ 0x1EFE = 0x74; /* this disables the watchdog counter and does not
add pull–down resistors on ports B and C */
0800 FC 30 DA 7A 36 6E E6 38 FE const char lcdtab[]={0xfc,0x30,0xda,0x7a,0x36,0x6e,0xe6,0x38,0xfe,0x3e };
0809 3E
/* lcd pattern table 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 */
080A 27 10 03 E8 00 64 00 0A const long dectable[] = { 10000, 1000, 100, 10 };
0050 0005 unsigned int digit[5]; /* buffer to hold results from cvt_bin_dec functio */
0000 registera ac; /* processor’s A register */
0055 long atodtemp; /* temp to accumulate 100 a/d readings for smoothing */
0059 long slope; /* multiplier for adc to engineering units conversion */
005B int adcnt; /* a/d converter loop counter */
005C long xdcr_offset; /* initial xdcr offset */
005E 0060 unsigned long i,j; /* counter for loops */
0062 int k; /* misc variable */
struct bothbytes
{ int hi;
int lo;
union isboth
{ long l;
struct bothbytes b;
0063 0002 union isboth q; /* used for timer set–up */
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.