Motorola Sensor Device Data
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Go to: www.freescale.com
0A07 3F 5C CLR $5C
0A09 B7 5D STA $5D
0A0B 81 RTS }
void initio (void) /* setup the I/O */
0A0C A6 20 LDA #$20 adstat = 0x20; /* power–up the A/D */
0A0E B7 09 STA $09
0A10 3F 02 CLR $02 porta = portb = portc = 0;
0A12 3F 01 CLR $01
0A14 3F 00 CLR $00
0A16 A6 FF LDA #$FF ddra = ddrb = ddrc = 0xff;
0A18 B7 06 STA $06
0A1A B7 05 STA $05
0A1C B7 04 STA $04
0A1E B6 13 LDA $13 areg=tsr; /* dummy read */
0A20 3F 1E CLR $1E ocmphi1 = ocmphi2 = 0;
0A22 3F 16 CLR $16
0A24 B6 1F LDA $1F areg = ocmplo2; /* clear out output compare 2 if it happens to be set */
0A26 AD 9F BSR $09C7 fixcompare(); /* set–up for the first timer interrupt */
0A28 A6 40 LDA #$40 tcr = 0x40;
0A2A B7 12 STA $12
0A2C 9A CLI CLI; /* let the interrupts begin ! */
/* write CAL to the display */
0A2D A6 CC LDA #$CC portc = 0xcc; /* C */
0A2F B7 02 STA $02
0A31 A6 BE LDA #$BE portb = 0xbe; /* A */
0A33 B7 01 STA $01
0A35 A6 C4 LDA #$C4 porta = 0xc4; /* L */
0A37 B7 00 STA $00
0A39 CD 09 21 JSR $0921 sensor_type(); /* get the model of the sensor based on J1..J3 */
0A3C AD AD BSR $09EB adzero(); /* auto zero */
0A3E 81 RTS }
void cvt_bin_dec(unsigned long arg)
/* First converts the argument to a five digit decimal value. The msd is in
the lowest address. Then leading zero suppress the value and write it to the
display ports.
The argument value is 0..65535 decimal. */
009D {
0A3F BF 9D STX $9D
0A41 B7 9E STA $9E
009F char i;
00A0 unsigned long l;
0A43 3F 9F CLR $9F for ( i=0; i < 5; ++i )
0A45 B6 9F LDA $9F
0A47 A1 05 CMP #$05
0A49 24 07 BCC $0A52
0A4B 97 TAX digit[i] = 0x0; /* put blanks in all digit positions */
0A4C 6F 50 CLR $50,X
0A4E 3C 9F INC $9F
0A50 20 F3 BRA $0A45
0A52 3F 9F CLR $9F for ( i=0; i < 4; ++i )
0A54 B6 9F LDA $9F
0A56 A1 04 CMP #$04
0A58 24 7A BCC $0AD4
0A5A 97 TAX if ( arg >= dectable [i] )
0A5B 58 LSLX
0A5C D6 08 0B LDA $080B,X
0A5F B0 9E SUB $9E
0A61 B7 58 STA $58
0A63 B6 9D LDA $9D
0A65 A8 80 EOR #$80
0A67 B7 57 STA $57
0A69 D6 08 0A LDA $080A,X
0A6C A8 80 EOR #$80
0A6E B2 57 SBC $57
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.