MPC5604B/C Microcontroller Data Sheet, Rev. 9
Document revision history
Freescale Semiconductor
16 June 2011 Formatting and minor editorial changes throughout
Harmonized oscillator nomenclature
Removed all instances of note “All 64 LQFP information is indicative and must be
confirmed during silicon validation.”
Device comparison table: changed temperature value in footnote 2 from 105 °C to 125 °C
MPC560xB LQFP 64-pin configuration and MPC560xC LQFP 64-pin configuration:
renamed pin 6 from VPP_TEST to VSS_HV
Removed “Pin Muxing” section; added sections “Pad configuration during reset phases”,
“Voltage supply pins”, “Pad types”, “System pins,” “Functional ports”, and “Nexus 2+
Section “NVUSRO register”: edited content to separate configuration into electrical
parameters and digital functionality; updated footnote describing default value of ‘1’ in
Added section “NVUSRO[WATCHDOG_EN] field description”
Recommended operating conditions (3.3 V) and Recommended operating conditions
(5.0 V): updated conditions for ambient and junction temperature characteristics
I/O input DC electrical characteristics: updated ILKG characteristics
Section “I/O pad current specification”: removed content referencing the IDYNSEG
maximum value
I/O consumption: replaced instances of “Root medium square” with “Root mean square”
I/O weight: replaced instances of bit “SRE” with “SRC”; added pads PH[9] and PH[10];
added supply segments; removed weight values in 64-pin LQFP for pads that do not
exist in that package
Reset electrical characteristics: updated parameter classification for |IWPU|
Updated Voltage regulator electrical characteristics
Section “Low voltage detector electrical characteristics”: changed title (was “Voltage
monitor electrical characteristics”); added event status flag names found in RGM
chapter of device reference manual to POR module and LVD descriptions; replaced
instances of “Low voltage monitor” with “Low voltage detector”; updated values for
Updated section “Power consumption”
Fast external crystal oscillator (4 to 16 MHz) electrical characteristics: updated parameter
classification for VFXOSCOP
Crystal oscillator and resonator connection scheme: added footnote about possibility of
adding a series resistor
Slow external crystal oscillator (32 kHz) electrical characteristics: updated footnote 1
FMPLL electrical characteristics: added short term jitter characteristics; inserted “—” in
empty min value cell of tlock row
Section “Input impedance and ADC accuracy”: changed “VA/VA2” to “VA2/VA” in
Equation 11
ADC input leakage current: updated ILKG characteristics
ADC conversion characteristics: updated symbols
On-chip peripherals current consumption: changed “supply current on “VDD_HV_ADC” to
“supply current on” VDD_HV” in IDD_HV(FLASH) row; updated IDD_HV(PLL) value—was
3* fperiph, is 30 * fperiph; updated footnotes
DSPI characteristics: added rows tPCSC and tPASC
Added DSPI PCS strobe (PCSS) timing diagram
Table 49. Revision history (continued)
Description of Changes