JAVA_LVx - Java Local Variable Registers
The Java Extension Module uses these registers to store local variables temporary.
JTBA - Java Trap Base Address
This register contains the base address to the program code for the trapped Java instructions.
JBCR - Java Write Barrier Control Register
This register is used by the garbage collector in the Java Virtual Machine.
CONFIG0 / 1 - Configuration Register 0 / 1
Used to describe the processor, its configuration and capabilities. The contents and functionality
COUNT - Cycle Counter Register
The COUNT register increments once every clock cycle, regardless of pipeline stalls and
flushes. The COUNT register can both be read and written. The count register can be used
together with the COMPARE register to create a timer with interrupt functionality. The COUNT
register is written to zero upon reset and compare match. Revision 3 of the AVR32 Architecture
allows some implementations to disable this automatic clearing of COUNT upon COMPARE
match, usually by programming a bit in CPUCR. Refer to the Technical Reference Manual for
the device for details. Incrementation of the COUNT register can not be disabled. The COUNT
register will increment even though a compare interrupt is pending.
COMPARE - Cycle Counter Compare Register
The COMPARE register holds a value that the COUNT register is compared against. The COM-
PARE register can both be read and written. When the COMPARE and COUNT registers match,
a compare interrupt request is generated and COUNT is reset to 0. This interrupt request is
routed out to the interrupt controller, which may forward the request back to the processor as a
normal interrupt request at a priority level determined by the interrupt controller. Writing a value
to the COMPARE register clears any pending compare interrupt requests. The compare and
exception generation feature is disabled if the COMPARE register contains the value zero. The
COMPARE register is written to zero upon reset.
TLBEHI - MMU TLB Entry Register High Part
Used to interface the CPU to the TLB. The contents and functionality of the register is described
TLBELO - MMU TLB Entry Register Low Part
Used to interface the CPU to the TLB. The contents and functionality of the register is described
PTBR - MMU Page Table Base Register
Contains a pointer to the start of the Page Table. The contents and functionality of the register is
TLBEAR - MMU TLB Exception Address Register
Contains the virtual address that caused the most recent MMU error. The contents and function-