2010 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS22265A-page 53
The MCP44XX devices support the I2C serial protocol.
The MCP44XX I2C’s module operates in Slave mode
(does not generate the serial clock).
Figure 6-1 shows a typical I2C Interface connection. All I2C interface signals are high-voltage tolerant.
The MCP44XX devices use the two-wire I2C serial
interface. This interface can operate in standard, fast or
High-Speed mode. A device that sends data onto the
bus is defined as transmitter, and a device receiving
data as receiver. The bus has to be controlled by a
master device which generates the serial clock (SCL),
controls the bus access and generates the START and
STOP conditions. The MCP44XX device works as
slave. Both master and slave can operate as
transmitter or receiver, but the master device
determines which mode is activated. Communication is
initiated by the master (microcontroller) which sends
the START bit, followed by the slave address byte. The
first byte transmitted is always the slave address byte,
which contains the device code, the address bits, and
the R/W bit.
Refer to the Phillips I2C document for more details of
the I2C specifications.
Typical I2C Interface Block
Signal Descriptions
The I2C interface uses up to four pins (signals). These
SDA (Serial Data)
SCL (Serial Clock)
A0 (Address 0 bit)
A1 (Address 1 bit)
The Serial Data (SDA) signal is the data signal of the
device. The value on this pin is latched on the rising
edge of the SCL signal when the signal is an input.
With the exception of the START and STOP conditions,
the high or low state of the SDA pin can only change
when the clock signal on the SCL pin is low. During the
high period of the clock, the SDA pin’s value (high or
low) must be stable. Changes in the SDA pin’s value
while the SCL pin is HIGH will be interpreted as a
START or a STOP condition.
The Serial Clock (SCL) signal is the clock signal of the
device. The rising edge of the SCL signal latches the
value on the SDA pin. The MCP44XX supports three
I2C interface clock modes:
Standard Mode: clock rates up to 100 kHz
Fast Mode: clock rates up to 400 kHz
High-Speed Mode (HS mode): clock rates up to
3.4 MHz
The MCP44XX will not stretch the clock signal (SCL)
since memory read access occur fast enough.
Depending on the clock rate mode, the interface will
display different characteristics.
There are up to two hardware pins used to specify the
device address. The number of address pins is
determined by the part number.
Address 0 is multiplexed with the High Voltage
Command (HVC) function. So the state of A0 is latched
on the MCP4XXX’s POR/BOR event.
should be tied high or tied low.
The High Voltage Command (HVC)
The High Voltage Command (HVC) signal is
multiplexed with Address 0 (A0) and is used to indicate
that the command, or sequence of commands, are in
the High Voltage mode. High Voltage commands allow
the device’s WiperLock Technology and write protect
features to be enabled and disabled.
The HVC pin has an internal resistor connection to the
MCP44XXs internal VDD signal.
HVC/A0 (2)
I/O (1)
Typical I2C Interface Connections
Note 1:
If High voltage commands are desired,
some type of external circuitry needs to
be implemented.
These pins have internal pull-ups. If
faster rise times are required, then
external pull-ups should be added.
This pin could be tied high, low, or
connected to an I/O pin of the Host
A1 (2, 3)