XLP 8-Bit Development Board (DM240313)
This development board is designed as a true platform
for low power development, enabling designs with sleep
currents as low as 20 nA. The board has connections for
in-circuit programming and debugging, and a USB interface
for power and PC communication. The board comes with
the PIC18F87K22 installed along with a PIC16LF1947
Plug-in Module and can be powered by six different
Graphics and LCD
PIC24FJ256DA210 Development Board (DM240312)
The PIC24FJ256DA210 Development Board is a low-cost
and efficient development board to evaluate the features
and performance of the PIC24FJ256DA210 with integrated
graphics, mTouch technology and USB. This board is an
ideal platform for developing graphical human interface
Low-Cost Controllerless (LCC) Graphics PICtail Plus
Daughter Board
The Low-Cost Controllerless (LCC) Graphics PICtail
Plus Daughter Board enables development of graphics
solutions without an external graphics controller, thus
reducing system BOM cost for many applications. The
board is designed to attach to a PIC32 Starter Kit
(DM320001, DM320003-2, DM320004) or an Explorer 16
Development Board (DM240001).
For more advanced graphics or larger display sizes, there are
several boards using External Graphics Controllers which can
be used with the Explorer 16 or a PIC32 Starter Kit:
■ Solomon Systech SSD1926 Graphics Board
■ Epson S1D13517 Graphics Board (AC164127-7)
The graphics development boards above can be used
with these flexible graphical display boards ranging
from 3.2" to 7".
■ QVGA 3.2" Graphics Display Truly 240x320
Board (AC164127-4)
■ WQVGA 4.3" Graphics Display Powertip 480x272
Board (AC164127-6)
■ VGA 5.7" Graphics Display Truly 640x480
Board (AC164127-8)
■ WVGA 7" Graphics Display Truly 800x480
Board (AC164127-9)
LCD Explorer Development Board (DM240314)
The LCD Explorer Development Board supports Microchip's
100-pin microcontrollers with x8 common segment LCD
drivers. The LCD Explorer provides an ideal platform for a
customer to evaluate an MCU with a common LCD driver
on a 38 segment x8 common LCD display. PICtail Plus
connections allow a customer to evaluate the selected MCU
in a complex system by adding Microchip's PICtail Plus
daughter boards.
Application Specific Development Tools
Ethernet PICtail Plus Daughter Board (AC164123)
This board is populated with the 28-pin
ENC28J60 Ethernet controller which
interfaces to the RJ-45 connector. It can be
plugged into the Explorer 16 development
board (DM240001), allowing connection
to any of Microchip’s 16- and 32-bit products when used in
conjunction with the free Microchip TCP/IP stack.
Fast 100 Mbps Ethernet PICtail Plus
Daughter Board (AC164132)
This board is populated with a 64-pin ENC624J600 Ethernet
controller and interfaces to the RJ-45 connector. It can be
plugged into the Explorer 16 development board (DM240001)
and the PIC18 Explorer board (DM183032) allowing
connection to any of Microchip’s 8, 16- and 32-bit products.
PICDEM.net 2 Development Board (DM163024)
This Internet/Ethernet development board supports
both the ENC28J60 Ethernet controller and the single-
chip Ethernet PIC18F97J60 MCU. With this board and
Microchip’s free TCP/IP stack, a web server can be
developed showcasing the capability to remotely monitor
and control embedded applications over the Internet.
eXtreme Low Power
nanoWatt XLP 16-bit Development Board (DM240311)
This development board provides a low-cost,
highly configurable development system
for Microchip's line of extreme low power
16-bit PIC24F microcontrollers featuring
sleep currents down to 20 nA. The board
supports development on PIC24F16KA102,
PIC24FJ64GA102 and PIC24F64GB002 families of MCUs.
This board can be powered by more than five sources
including batteries and energy harvesting modules and
supports a variety of common components that can be
selectively enabled.
PICDEM PIC18 Explorer Board (DM183032)
This low-cost demo board features a PIC18F8722 MCU
which is the superset of the traditional PIC18 general
purpose 5V family. The board also comes with the
PIC18F87J11 processor PIM which is the superset of the
PIC18 J-series of 3V MCUs for cost sensitive applications.
This single development board supports dozens of general
purpose PIC18 families using various processor Plug-In
Modules (PIMs).
PIC18F4XK20 Starter Kit (DM164124)
This starter kit is a demonstration and development
platform for Microchip's K20 series microcontrollers.
The board provides a platform to highlight this families
benchmark for lower power consumption, low-cost and
high-performance operation. It includes the development
board, PICkit 3 development programmer/debugger and
programming lessons.
8 Quick Guide to Microchip Development Tools