This section serves as a brief reference to Motorola development tools for M68HC16
Z-series microcontrollers.
Information provided is complete as of the time of publication, but new systems and
software are continually being developed. In addition, there is a growing number of
third-party tools available. The Motorola
Microcontroller Development Tools Directory
(MCUDEVTLDIR/D Revision. 3) provides an up-to-date list of development tools. Con-
tact your Motorola representative for further information.
C.1 M68MMDS1632 Modular Development System
The M68MMDS1632 Motorola modular development system (MMDS) is a develop-
ment tool for evaluating M68HC16 and M68300 MCU-based systems. The
MMDS1632 is an in-circuit emulator, which includes a station module and active
probe. A separately purchased MPB and PPB completes MMDS functionality with re-
gard to a particular MCU or MCU family. The many MPBs and PPBs available let the
MMDS emulate a variety of different MCUs. Contact your Motorola sales representa-
tive, who will assist you in selecting and configuring the modular system that fits your
needs. A full-featured development system, the MMDS provides both in-circuit emula-
tion and bus analysis capabilities, including:
Real-time in-circuit emulation at maximum speed of 16 MHz
Built-in emulation memory
— 1-Mbyte main emulation memory (three-clock bus cycle)
— 256-Kbyte fast termination (two-clock bus cycle)
— 4-Kbyte dual-port emulation memory (three-clock bus cycle)
Real-time bus analysis
— Instruction disassembly
— State-machine-controlled triggering
Four hardware breakpoints; bitwise masking
Analog/digital emulation
Synchronized signal output
Built-in AC power supply, 90 – 264 V, 50 – 60 Hz, FCC and EC EMI compliant
RS-232 connection to host capable of communicating at 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,
19200, 38400, or 57600 baud