Chapter 11 Pulse Width Modulator with Fault Protection (PMF15B6CV2)
MC9S12E128 Data Sheet, Rev. 1.07
Freescale Semiconductor
345 PMF Enable Control A Register (PMFENCA)
Read and write anytime.
Module Base + 0x0020
= Unimplemented or Reserved
Figure 11-26. PMF Enable Control A Register (PMFENCA)
Table 11-25. PMFENCA Field Descriptions
PWM Generator A Enable — When MTG is clear, this bit when set enables the PWM generators A, B and C
and the PWM0–5 pins. When PWMENA is clear, PWM generators A, B and C are disabled, and the PWM0–5
pins are in their inactive states unless the corresponding OUTCTLx bits are set.
When MTG is set, this bit when set enables the PWM generator A and the PWM0 and PWM1 pins. When
PWMENA is clear, the PWM generator A is disabled and PWM0 and PWM1 pins are in their inactive states
unless the OUTCTL0 and OUTCTL1 bits are set.
0 PWM generator A and PWM0–1 (2–5 if MTG=0) pins disabled unless the respective OUTCTL bit is set.
1 PWM generator A and PWM0–1 (2–5 if MTG=0) pins enabled.
Load Okay A — When MTG is clear, this bit allows loads of the PRSCA bits, the PMFMODA register and the
PWMVAL0–5 registers into a set of buffers. The buffered prescaler A divisor, PWM counter modulus A value, and
all PWM pulse widths take effect at the next PWM reload.
When MTG is set, this bit allows loads of the PRSCA bits, the PMFMODA register and the PWMVAL0–1 registers
into a set of buffers. The buffered prescaler divisor A, PWM counter modulus A value, PWM0–1 pulse widths take
effect at the next PWM reload.
Set LDOKA by reading it when it is logic zero and then writing a logic one to it. LDOKA is automatically cleared
after the new values are loaded, or can be manually cleared before a reload by writing a logic zero to it. Reset
clears LDOKA.
0 Do not load new modulus A, prescaler A, and PWM0–1 (2–5 if MTG=0) values
1 Load prescaler A, modulus A, and PWM0–1 (2–5 if MTG=0) values
Note: Do not set PWMENA bit before setting the LDOKA bit and do not clear the LDOKA bit at the same time as
setting the PWMENA bit.
PWM Reload Interrupt Enable A — This bit enables the PWMRFA ag to generate CPU interrupt requests.
0 PWMRFA CPU interrupt requests disabled
1 PWMRFA CPU interrupt requests enabled