Chapter 16 Timer/PWM Module (S08TPMV3)
MC9S08SH8 MCU Series Data Sheet, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor
to enable hardware interrupt generation. While the interrupt enable bit is set, a static interrupt will generate
whenever the associated interrupt ag equals one. The user’s software must perform a sequence of steps
to clear the interrupt ag before returning from the interrupt-service routine.
TPM interrupt ags are cleared by a two-step process including a read of the ag bit while it is set (1)
followed by a write of zero (0) to the bit. If a new event is detected between these two steps, the sequence
is reset and the interrupt ag remains set after the second step to avoid the possibility of missing the new
Timer Overfl w Interrupt (TOF) Description
The meaning and details of operation for TOF interrupts varies slightly depending upon the mode of
operation of the TPM system (general purpose timing functions versus center-aligned PWM operation).
The ag is cleared by the two step sequence described above.
Normal Case
Normally TOF is set when the timer counter changes from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. When the TPM is not
congured for center-aligned PWM (CPWMS=0), TOF gets set when the timer counter changes from the
terminal count (the value in the modulo register) to 0x0000. This case corresponds to the normal meaning
of counter overow.
Center-Aligned PWM Case
When CPWMS=1, TOF gets set when the timer counter changes direction from up-counting to
down-counting at the end of the terminal count (the value in the modulo register). In this case the TOF
corresponds to the end of a PWM period.
Channel Event Interrupt Description
The meaning of channel interrupts depends on the channel’s current mode (input-capture, output-compare,
edge-aligned PWM, or center-aligned PWM).
Input Capture Events
When a channel is congured as an input capture channel, the ELSnB:ELSnA control bits select no edge
(off), rising edges, falling edges or any edge as the edge which triggers an input capture event. When the
selected edge is detected, the interrupt ag is set. The ag is cleared by the two-step sequence described
Output Compare Events
When a channel is congured as an output compare channel, the interrupt ag is set each time the main
timer counter matches the 16-bit value in the channel value register. The ag is cleared by the two-step