Chapter 17 Development Support
MC9S08SG8 MCU Series Data Sheet, Rev. 6
Freescale Semiconductor
Features of the BDC module include:
Single pin for mode selection and background communications
BDC registers are not located in the memory map
SYNC command to determine target communications rate
Non-intrusive commands for memory access
Active background mode commands for CPU register access
GO and TRACE1 commands
BACKGROUND command can wake CPU from stop or wait modes
One hardware address breakpoint built into BDC
Oscillator runs in stop mode, if BDC enabled
COP watchdog disabled while in active background mode
Features of the ICE system include:
Two trigger comparators: Two address + read/write (R/W) or one full address + data + R/W
Flexible 8-word by 16-bit FIFO (rst-in, rst-out) buffer for capture information:
— Change-of-ow addresses or
— Event-only data
Two types of breakpoints:
— Tag breakpoints for instruction opcodes
— Force breakpoints for any address access
Nine trigger modes:
— Basic: A-only, A OR B
— Sequence: A then B
— Full: A AND B data, A AND NOT B data
— Event (store data): Event-only B, A then event-only B
— Range: Inside range (A
≤ address ≤ B), outside range (address < A or address > B)
Background Debug Controller (BDC)
All MCUs in the HCS08 Family contain a single-wire background debug interface that supports in-circuit
programming of on-chip nonvolatile memory and sophisticated non-intrusive debug capabilities. Unlike
debug interfaces on earlier 8-bit MCUs, this system does not interfere with normal application resources.
It does not use any user memory or locations in the memory map and does not share any on-chip
BDC commands are divided into two groups:
Active background mode commands require that the target MCU is in active background mode (the
user program is not running). Active background mode commands allow the CPU registers to be
read or written, and allow the user to trace one user instruction at a time, or GO to the user program
from active background mode.