20-MHz HCS08 CPU (central processor unit)
HC08 instruction set with added BGND instruction
Background debugging system
Breakpoint capability to allow single breakpoint
setting during in-circuit debugging (plus two more
breakpoints in on-chip debug module)
Debug module containing two comparators and nine
trigger modes. Eight deep FIFO for storing
change-of-flow addresses and event-only data
Debug module supports both tag and force
Support for up to 32 interrupt/reset sources
Memory Options
FLASH read/program/erase over full operating
voltage and temperature
MC9S08QG8 — 8 Kbytes FLASH, 512 bytes RAM
MC9S08QG4 — 4 Kbytes FLASH, 256 bytes RAM
Power-Saving Modes
Wait plus three stops
Clock Source Options
ICS — Internal clock source module containing a
frequency-locked-loop (FLL) controlled by internal
or external reference; precision trimming of internal
reference allows 0.2% resolution and 2% deviation
over temperature and voltage; supports bus
frequencies from 1 MHz to 10 MHz
XOSC — Low-power oscillator module with
software selectable crystal or ceramic resonator
range, 31.25 kHz to 38.4 kHz or 1 MHz to 16 MHz,
and supports external clock source input up to
20 MHz
System Protection
Watchdog computer operating properly (COP) reset
with option to run from dedicated 1-kHz internal
clock source or bus clock
Low-voltage detection with reset or interrupt
Illegal opcode detection with reset
Illegal address detection with reset
FLASH block protect
ADC — 8-channel, 10-bit analog-to-digital
converter with automatic compare function,
asynchronous clock source, temperature sensor, and
internal bandgap reference channel; ADC is
hardware triggerable using the RTI counter
ACMP — Analog comparator module with option
to compare to internal reference; output can be
optionally routed to TPM module
SCI — Serial communications interface module
with option for 13-bit break capabilities
SPI — Serial peripheral interface module
IIC — Inter-integrated circuit bus module
TPM— 2-channel timer/pulse-width modulator;
each channel can be used for input capture, output
compare, buffered edge-aligned PWM, or buffered
center-aligned PWM
MTIM — 8-bit modulo timer module with 8-bit
KBI — 8-pin keyboard interrupt module with software
selectable polarity on edge or edge/level modes
12 general-purpose input/output (I/O) pins, one
input-only pin and one output-only pin; outputs
10 mA each, 60 mA max for package
Software selectable pullups on ports when used as
Software selectable slew rate control and drive
strength on ports when used as output
Internal pullup on RESET and IRQ pins to reduce
customer system cost
Development Support
Single-wire background debug interface
On-chip, in-circuit emulation (ICE) with real-time
bus capture
Package Options
24-pin quad flat no lead (QFN) package
16-pin plastic dual in-line package (PDIP) —
MC9S08QG8 only
16-pin quad flat no lead (QFN) package
16-pin thin shrink small outline package (TSSOP)
8-pin dual flat no lead (DFN) package
8-pin PDIP — MC9S08QG4 only
8-pin narrow body small outline integrated circuit
(SOIC) package
MC9S08QG8/4 Features