Chapter 26 4 Kbyte EEPROM Module (S12XEETX4KV2)
MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.17
Freescale Semiconductor
Table 26-7. ESTAT Field Descriptions
Command Buffer Empty Interrupt Flag — The CBEIF ag indicates that the address, data, and command
buffers are empty so that a new command write sequence can be started. The CBEIF ag is cleared by writing
a 1 to CBEIF. Writing a 0 to the CBEIF ag has no effect on CBEIF. Writing a 0 to CBEIF after writing an aligned
word to the EEPROM address space but before CBEIF is cleared will abort a command write sequence and
cause the ACCERR ag to be set. Writing a 0 to CBEIF outside of a command write sequence will not set the
ACCERR ag. The CBEIF ag is used together with the CBEIE bit in the ECNFG register to generate an interrupt
0 Buffers are full.
1 Buffers are ready to accept a new command.
Command Complete Interrupt Flag — The CCIF ag indicates that there are no more commands pending. The
CCIF ag is cleared when CBEIF is clear and sets automatically upon completion of all active and pending
commands. The CCIF ag does not set when an active commands completes and a pending command is
fetched from the command buffer. Writing to the CCIF ag has no effect on CCIF. The CCIF ag is used together
with the CCIE bit in the ECNFG register to generate an interrupt request (see
Figure 26-24).
0 Command in progress.
1 All commands are completed.
Protection Violation Flag — The PVIOL ag indicates an attempt was made to program or erase an address
in a protected area of the EEPROM memory during a command write sequence. The PVIOL ag is cleared by
writing a 1 to PVIOL. Writing a 0 to the PVIOL ag has no effect on PVIOL. While PVIOL is set, it is not possible
to launch a command or start a command write sequence.
0 No failure.
1 A protection violation has occurred.
Access Error Flag — The ACCERR ag indicates an illegal access has occurred to the EEPROM memory
Sequence”), issuing an illegal EEPROM command (see
Table 26-9), launching the sector erase abort command
execution of a CPU STOP instruction while a command is executing (CCIF = 0). The ACCERR ag is cleared by
writing a 1 to ACCERR. Writing a 0 to the ACCERR ag has no effect on ACCERR. While ACCERR is set, it is
not possible to launch a command or start a command write sequence. If ACCERR is set by an erase verify
operation, any buffered command will not launch.
0 No access error detected.
1 Access error has occurred.
Flag Indicating the Erase Verify Operation Status — When the CCIF ag is set after completion of an erase
verify command, the BLANK ag indicates the result of the erase verify operation. The BLANK ag is cleared by
the EEPROM module when CBEIF is cleared as part of a new valid command write sequence. Writing to the
BLANK ag has no effect on BLANK.
0 EEPROM block veried as not erased.
1 EEPROM block veried as erased.
Flag Indicating a Failed EEPROM Operation — The FAIL ag will set if the erase verify operation fails
(EEPROM block veried as not erased). The FAIL ag is cleared by writing a 1 to FAIL. Writing a 0 to the FAIL
ag has no effect on FAIL.
0 EEPROM operation completed without error.
1 EEPROM operation failed.