Pinout and Signal Descriptions
Signal Descriptions
MC68HC912D60A — Rev. 3.1
Technical Data
Freescale Semiconductor
Pinout and Signal Descriptions
vector ($FFFA:FFFB). If neither clock monitor fail nor COP timeout are
pending, processing begins by fetching the normal reset vector
3.5.4 Maskable Interrupt Request (IRQ)
The IRQ input provides a means of applying asynchronous interrupt
requests to the MCU. Either falling edge-sensitive triggering or level-
sensitive triggering is program selectable (INTCR register). IRQ is
always enabled and configured to level-sensitive triggering at reset. It
can be disabled by clearing the IRQEN bit (INTCR register). When the
MCU is reset the IRQ function is masked in the condition code register.
This pin is always an input and can always be read. There is an active
pull-up on this pin while in reset and immediately out of reset. The pull-
up can be turned off by clearing PUPE in the PUCR register.
3.5.5 Nonmaskable Interrupt (XIRQ)
The XIRQ input provides a means of requesting a nonmaskable interrupt
after reset initialization. During reset, the X bit in the condition code
register (CCR) is set and any interrupt is masked until MCU software
enables it. Because the XIRQ input is level sensitive, it can be connected
to a multiple-source wired-OR network. This pin is always an input and
can always be read. There is an active pull-up on this pin while in reset
and immediately out of reset. The pull-up can be turned off by clearing
PUPE in the PUCR register. XIRQ is often used as a power loss detect
Whenever XIRQ or IRQ are used with multiple interrupt sources (IRQ
must be configured for level-sensitive operation if there is more than one
source of IRQ interrupt), each source must drive the interrupt input with
an open-drain type of driver to avoid contention between outputs. There
must also be an interlock mechanism at each interrupt source so that the
source holds the interrupt line low until the MCU recognizes and
acknowledges the interrupt request. If the interrupt line is held low, the
MCU will recognize another interrupt as soon as the interrupt mask bit in
the MCU is cleared (normally upon return from an interrupt).