Auto Wakeup Module (AWU)
MC68HC908QYA/QTA Family Data Sheet, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor
4.3 Functional Description
The function of the auto wakeup logic is to generate periodic wakeup requests to bring the microcontroller
unit (MCU) out of stop mode. The wakeup requests are treated as regular keyboard interrupt requests,
with the difference that instead of a pin, the interrupt signal is generated by an internal logic.
Entering stop mode will enable the auto wakeup generation logic. Writing the AWUIE bit in the keyboard
interrupt enable register enables or disables the auto wakeup interrupt input (see
Figure 4-1). A 1 applied
to the AWUIREQ input with auto wakeup interrupt request enabled, latches an auto wakeup interrupt
Auto wakeup latch, AWUL, can be read directly from the bit 6 position of port A data register (PTA). This
is a read-only bit which is occupying an empty bit position on PTA. No PTA associated registers, such as
PTA6 data direction or PTA6 pullup exist for this bit.
There are two clock sources for the AWU. An internal RC oscillator (INTRCOSC, exclusive for the auto
wakeup feature) drives the wakeup request generator provided the OSCENINSTOP bit in the CONFIG2
Figure 4-1 is cleared. More accurate wakeup periods are possible using the BUSCLKX2 signal
(from the oscillator module) which is selected by setting OSCENINSTOP.
Once the overflow count is reached in the generator counter, a wakeup request, AWUIREQ, is latched
Wakeup interrupt requests will only be serviced if the associated interrupt enable bit, AWUIE, in KBIER
is set. The AWU shares the keyboard interrupt vector.
The overflow count can be selected from two options defined by the COPRS bit in CONFIG1. This bit was
“borrowed” from the computer operating properly (COP) using the fact that the COP feature is idle (no
MCU clock available) in stop mode. COPRS = 1 selects the short wakeup period while COPRS = 0 selects
the long wakeup period.
The auto wakeup RC oscillator (INTRCOSC) is highly dependent on operating voltage and temperature.
This feature is not recommended for use as a time-keeping function.
The wakeup request is latched to allow the interrupt source identification. The latched value, AWUL, can
be read directly from the bit 6 position of PTA data register. This is a read-only bit which is occupying an
empty bit position on PTA. No PTA associated registers, such as PTA6 data, PTA6 direction, and PTA6
pullup exist for this bit. The latch can be cleared by writing to the ACKK bit in the KBSCR register. Reset
also clears the latch. AWUIE bit in KBI interrupt enable register (see
Figure 4-1) has no effect on AWUL
The AWU oscillator and counters are inactive in normal operating mode and become active only upon
entering stop mode.
4.4 Interrupts
The AWU can generate an interrupt request:
AWU Latch (AWUL) — The AWUL bit is set when the AWU counter overflows. The auto wakeup
interrupt mask bit, AWUIE, is used to enable or disable AWU interrupt requests.
The AWU shares its interrupt with the KBI vector.