Initialization/Application Information
MC68HC908QL4 MC68HC908QL3 MC68HC908QL2 Data Sheet, Rev. 6
Freescale Semiconductor
either transmit or receive these bytes, depending upon the user code interpretation of the identifier byte.
Data is always transmitted into the data field least significant byte (LSB) first.
The SLIC module can automatically handle up to 64 bytes in extended LIN message frames without
significantly changing program execution.
14.9.3 LIN Checksum Field
The checksum field is a data integrity measure for LIN message frames, used to signal errors in data
consistency. The LIN 1.3 checksum calculation only covers the data field, but the SLIC module also
supports an enhanced checksum calculation which also includes the identifier field. For more information
14.9.4 SLIC Module Constraints
In designing a practical module, certain reasonable constraints must be placed on the LIN message traffic
which are not necessarily explicitly specified in the LIN specification. The SLIC module presumes that:
Timeout for no-bus-activity = 1 second.
14.9.5 SLCSV Interrupt Handling
Each change of state of the SLIC module is encoded in the SLIC state vector register (SLCSV). This is
an efficient method of handling state changes, indicating to the user not only the current status of the SLIC
module, but each state change will also generate an interrupt (if SLIC interrupts are enabled). For more
In the software diagrams in the following subsections, when an interrupt is shown, the first step must
always be reading SLCSV to determine what is the current status of the SLIC module. Likewise, when the
diagrams indicate to “EXIT ISR”, the final step to exiting the interrupt service routine is to clear the SLCF
interrupt flag. This can only be done if the SLCSV has first been read, and in the case that data has been
received (such as an ID byte or command message data) the SLCD has been read at least one time.
After SLCSV is read, it will switch to the next pending state, so the user must be sure it is copied only once
into a software variable at the beginning of the interrupt service routine to avoid inadvertently clearing a
pending interrupt source. Additional decisions based on this value must be made from the software
variable, rather than from the SLCSV itself.
After exiting the ISR, normal application code may resume. If the diagram indicates to “RETURN TO
IDLE,” it indicates that all processing for the current message frame has been completed. If an error was
detected and the corresponding error code loaded into the SLCSV, any pending data in the data buffer
will be flushed out and the SLIC returned to its idle state, seeking out the next message frame header.
14.9.6 SLIC Module Initialization Procedure LIN Mode Initialization
The SLIC module does not require very much initialization, due to its self-synchronizing design. Because
no prior knowledge of the bit rate is required to synchronize to the LIN bus, no programming of bit rate is
At initialization time, the user must configure:
SLIC prescale register (SLIC digital receive filter adjustment).
Wait clock mode operation.