Application Note
AN1060 — Rev. 1.0
96 **************************************************
97 * Program to be bootloaded to target '711E9
98 **************************************************
99 B675 8604 BLPROG LDAA #$04 Pattern for DWOM off, no SPI
100 B677 B71028 STAA $1028 Turns off DWOM in target MCU
101 * NOTE: Can't use direct addressing in target MCU because
102 * regs are located at $1000.
103 B67A 7EBF00 JMP PROGRAM Jumps to EPROM prog routine
Symbol Table:
Symbol Name Value Def.# Line Number Cross Reference
BEGIN B600 *00029
BLLOOP B616 *00038 00040
BLPROG B675 *00099 00037
DATALP B648 *00068 00079
DLYLP B620 *00046 00047
DLYLP2 B637 *00059 00063
DUNPRG B666 *00083 00076
ENDBPR B67D *00104 00039
EPSTRT D000 *00023 00055 00066
GREEN 0001 *00015 00075 00081
INIT 103D *00009 00029
PORTB 0004 *00011 00033 00058 00061 00075 00081 00083
PORTE 000A *00016 00059
PROGRAM BF00 *00022 00103
RDRF 0020 *00020 00034 00053 00071
RED 0002 *00014 00058 00061 00075 00083
RESET 0080 *00013 00032 00083
SCDR 002F *00021 00036 00049 00054 00072 00092
SCSR 002E *00017 00034 00048 00053 00071 00091
SEND1 B66B *00090 00038 00067 00070
SPCR 0028 *00010 00031
TDRE 0080 *00019 00091
TRDYLP B66D *00091 00091
VERF B64F *00071 00069 00071
VERFOK B65F *00078 00074
WT4BRK B60B *00034 00034
WT4FF B627 *00053 00053
WT4VPP B630 *00057 00060
Errors: None
Labels: 28
Last Program Address: $B67C
Last Storage Address: $0000
Program Bytes: $007D 125
Storage Bytes: $0000 0
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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