Application Note
AN1060 — Rev. 1.0
This example programmed version 3.4 of the BUFFALO monitor into the
EPROM of an MC68HC711E9; the changes to the BASIC program to
download some other program are minor.
The necessary changes are:
In line 30, the length of the program to be downloaded must be
assigned to the variable CODESIZE%.
Also in line 30, the starting address of the program is assigned to
the variable ADRSTART.
In line 9570, the start address of the program is stored in the third
and fourth items in that DATA statement in hexadecimal.
If any changes are made to the number of bytes in the boot code
in the DATA statements in lines 9500–9580, then the new count
must be set in the variable "BOOTCOUNT" in line 25.
Configure the EVBU for boot mode operation by putting a jumper at J3.
Ensure that the trace command jumper at J7 is not installed because this
would connect the 12-V programming voltage to the OC5 output of the
Connect the EVBU to its dc power supply. When it is time to program the
MCU EPROM, turn on the 12-volt programming power supply to the new
circuitry in the wire-wrap area.
Connect the EVBU serial port to the appropriate serial port on the host
system. For the Macintosh, this is the modem port with a modem cable.
For the MS-DOS
computer, it is connected to COM1 with a straight
through or modem cable. Power up the host system and start the BASIC
program. If the program has not been compiled, this is accomplished
from within the appropriate BASIC compiler or interpreter. Power up the
Answer the prompt for filename with either a [RETURN] to accept the
default shown or by typing in a new filename and pressing [RETURN].
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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