During DMA Transfers, 6-18, 6-20, 6-31,
Grant Acknowledge Signal, 3-40–3-44
Request Signal, 2-7, 3-37, 3-40–3-44, 6-25
State Diagram, 3-45
Bypass Register, 9-11
Transfer Counter, 6-15, 6-19–6-20, 6-34–6-35,
— C —
Calculate Effective Address Instruction Timing Table,
Calculating Frequency Adjusted Output, 10-7,–10-9
CALL Command, 5-68, 5-84–5-85
CD-I, 1-9, 10-11
CD-ROM, 10-11
Cell Types, 9-4
Output Latch Diagram, 9-7
Input Pin Diagram, 9-7
Active-High Output Control Diagram, 9-8
Active-Low Output Control Diagram, 9-8
Bidirectional Data Diagram, 9-9
Change of Flow, 5-91, 5-94
Privilege Levels, 5-38
Timer Modes, 8-6
Control Register, 6-4–6-5, 6-18–6-20, 6-26,
6-30, 6-36–6-37
Mode, 7-38
Status Register, 6-18, 6-20, 6-30, 6-37–6-38
Character Mode, 7-13, 7-23
Chip-Select 0 Signal, 3-30, 4-14–4-16, 4-33, 4-36,
Chip Select, 4-1, 4-13–4-15, 4-29
Access Time, 10-6–10-7
Overlapped, 4-15, 4-33
Programming Example, 4-33
Registers, 4-29
Signals, 2-5, 4-15–4-17, 10-4, 10-6–10-7
Clear to Send Signal, 2-11
CLK Bit, 8-21, 8-27
CLKOUT Signal, 2-8, 4-1, 4-9, 4-11, 4-13, 4-17, 5-69,
8-3, 9-11
Operating Modes, 4-9–4-12
Select Register, 7-8, 7-18, 7-26–7-27, 7-33, 7-47
Synthesizer Control Register, 4-10–4-11, 4-13,
4-28, 4-36,
Synthesizer, 4-1, 4-9
CM Bits, 7-38
Code Compatibility, 5-8, 5-11
COM Bit, 8-7–8-9, 8-12, 8-24–8-25, 8-27
Format, 5-73–5-74
Register, 7-10–7-11, 7-23, 7-27, 7-46–7-47
Sequence Diagram, 5-74–5-75
Compare Register, 8-2, 8-12, 8-26–8-27
Compressed Tables, 5-31–5-32
Condition Code Register, 5-10, 5-14, 5-20–5-21
Condition Codes, 5-10, 5-26–5-27
Condition Test Instructions, 5-20–5-21, 5-29
Conditional Branch Instruction Timing Table, 5-110
CONF Bit, 6-20, 6-30–6-31, 6-37–6-38
Configuration Code (Modules)
SIM40, 4-38–4-40
DMA, 6-38–6-45
Serial, 7-47–4-49
Timer, 8-28–8-31
Control Instruction Timing Table, 5-111
Control Register, 8-4, 8-20–8-23
COS Bit, 7-31–7-32, 7-34
Clock, 8-3
Events, 8-2
Register, 8-6–8-7, 8-13–8-14, 8-25
CPE Bit, 8-6, 8-8, 8-21, 8-24, 8-28
CPU Space, 3-3, 3-21–3-23, 3-28
Address Encoding, 3-21
Block Diagram, 5-3
Privilege Levels, 5-7, 5-37–5-38
Processing States, 5-7, 5-36–5-37
Programming Model, 5-8–5-9
Serial Logic, 5-71–5-73
Stack Frames, 5-60–5-63
Crystal Oscillator, 4-9–4-10, 4-29
Bits, 7-31, 7-35
Operation, 7-11
CTSx Signal, 7-6–7-7, 7-11, 7-13, 7-20, 7-22, 7-29,
7-31–7-32, 7-35, 7-39
Current Drain, 10-11
Typical Operation Data, 10-12–10-13
Current Instruction Program Counter, 5-67–5-68
Cycle Steal Transfers, 6-5–6-6
Cycle Termination, 3-1
— D —
DAPI Bits, 6-19, 6-28, 6-37
Bus Signals, 2-4, 3-2, 3-16
Holding Register, 6-12, 6-15
Misalignment, 5-45–5-46
Movement Instructions, 5-21
Port Organization, 3-5–3-7
Registers, 5-10
Strobe Signal, 2-7, 3-4, 3-17–3-21, 3-44–3-46, 4-22
Transfer and Size Acknowledge Signals, 2-6, 3-5,
3-8–3-15, 3-17–3-23, 3-28–3-30, 3-32–3-36, 4-2,
4-4, 4-6, 4-14–4-15, 4-32,
Transfer Capabilities, 3-5, 3-8–3-15
DBA Bit, 7-33, 7-35
DBB Bit, 7-33, 7-34
DBcc Instruction, 5-3