— A —
A-Line Instructions, 5-47
Bit, 7-15–7-16, 7-23
Field, 5-73
Register, 5-76–5-77
A0 Signal, 3-6–3-13
Access Time Calculations, 10-6
Access Time, 10-6
Bus Signals, 2-4, 3-4, 3-16
Error Exception, 3-7, 3-39, 5-42–5-43, 5-45–5-46
Mask Register Example, 4-33
Mask Registers, 4-31, 4-37
Registers, 5-10, 5-13
Space Bits, 4-20
Space Block Size, 4-2, 4-3, 4-14
Spaces, 2-5, 3-3–3-4, 4-2, 4-20, 4-30–4-31, 6-32
Strobe Signal, 2-6, 3-2, 3-4, 3-14–3-21, 3-44, 3-46,
with Postincrement, 5-14
with Predecrement, 5-14
Advantages, 10-13
Alternate Function Code Registers, 5-10
Applications Profile, 10-10
Arithmetic/Logical Instruction Timing Table, 5-102–
Assert RTS Command, 7-28–7-29
Inputs, 3-1–3-2, 3-14–3-15, 3-44
Operation, 3-14
Setup and Hold Times, 3-2, 3-15, 3-18–3-21,10-7
ATEMP Register, 5-67
Automatic Echo Modes, 7-14, 7-38
Operation Timing, 3-31
Register, 4-5, 4-6, 4-23
Signal, 2-6, 3-5, 3-29, 3-32, 4-6
Auxiliary Control Register, 7-18, 7-26–7-27, 7-32, 7-46
— B —
B Bits, 5-56, 5-57–5-58
B/C Bits, 7-23–7-24, 7-47
Background Debug Mode, 5-64–5-65, 5-94
Command Execution, 5-67
Command Summary, 5-75–5-76
Serial Interface, 5-68–5-69
Background Processing State, 5-7, 5-37, 5-64–5-73,
Base Address Bits, 4-20
Base Address Registers, 4-14, 4-30, 4-33, 4-37
Battery Operation, 10-10
Baud Rate
Clock, 7-2, 7-26–7-27
Generator, 7-3, 7-8
BB Bits, 6-4, 6-29, 6-38
BDM Sources, 5-66
BED Bit, 6-27, 6-27, 6-30–6-31, 6-37
BERR Signal, 5-45–5-47
BES Bit, 6-20, 6-31, 6-37
BFC Bits, 4-30
BGND Instruction, 5-66
Binary-Coded Decimal
Extended Instructions Timing Table, 5-106
Instructions, 5-26
Bit Manipulation Instructions, 5-25
Timing Table, 5-109
Bit Set/Reset Command, 7-37
Bits per Character, 7-23
BKPT Signal, 5-65–5-66, 5-68, 5-71–5-72
BKPT_TAG, 5-72
Block Mode, 7-13, 7-23
BME Bit, 4-6, 4-25, 4-37
BMT Bits, 4-25–4-26, 4-37
Boot ROM, 4-14–4-15, 4-36
Boundary Scan
Bit Definitions, 9-4
Register, 9-1–9-3
Break Condition, 7-11
Breakpoint Acknowledge Cycle
Operation, 3-22
Flowchart, 3-24
Timing, Opcode Returned, 3-25
Timing, Exception Signaled, 3-26
Breakpoint Exception, 5-42, 5-46–5-47, 5-53
Breakpoint Instruction, 3-22, 5-28, 5-40, 5-42,
5-46, 5-63, 5-94, 5-97
Breakpoint Signal, 2-10, 3-22, 3-24, 6-31
BRG Bit, 7-32, 7-46
BRKP Bit, 6-20, 6-27, 6-31, 6-37–6-38
Burst Mode Transfers, 6-5
Operation, 3-40, 3-41–3-45
Flowchart, 3-41
Interaction with Show Cycles, 3-44
Control, 3-44
State Diagram 3-45
Bandwidth, 6-4–6-5, 6-29
Controller Operation, 5-89–5-90
Cycle Termination Response Time, 4-6, 4-30, 4-32
Cycle Termination, 3-34–3-36, 3-47
Cycle, 3-2
Error Exception, 5-45
Error Signal, 2-8, 3-5, 3-14–3-15, 3-22, 3-24, 3-30,
3-32–3-37, 3-44, 4-4, 4-6, 4-22, 4-30
Error Stack Frame, 5-60–5-63
Types, 3-34
Timing, without
≈, 3-35
Timing, Late Bus Error, 3-36
Resulting in Double Bus Faults, 3-39