Chapter 19 Pulse-Width Modulator (S12PWM8B8CV1)
MC9S12XE-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 1.21
Freescale Semiconductor
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8-bit counter is re-loaded. The output signal from this circuit is further divided by two. This gives a greater
range with only a slight reduction in granularity. Clock SA equals clock A divided by two times the value
in the PWMSCLA register.
Clock SA = Clock A / (2 * PWMSCLA)
When PWMSCLA = $00, PWMSCLA value is considered a full scale value
of 256. Clock A is thus divided by 512.
Similarly, clock B is used as an input to an 8-bit down counter followed by a divide by two producing clock
SB. Thus, clock SB equals clock B divided by two times the value in the PWMSCLB register.
Clock SB = Clock B / (2 * PWMSCLB)
When PWMSCLB = $00, PWMSCLB value is considered a full scale value
of 256. Clock B is thus divided by 512.
As an example, consider the case in which the user writes $FF into the PWMSCLA register. Clock A for
this case will be E divided by 4. A pulse will occur at a rate of once every 255x4 E cycles. Passing this
through the divide by two circuit produces a clock signal at an E divided by 2040 rate. Similarly, a value
of $01 in the PWMSCLA register when clock A is E divided by 4 will produce a clock at an E divided by
8 rate.
Writing to PWMSCLA or PWMSCLB causes the associated 8-bit down counter to be re-loaded.
Otherwise, when changing rates the counter would have to count down to $01 before counting at the proper
rate. Forcing the associated counter to re-load the scale register value every time PWMSCLA or
PWMSCLB is written prevents this.
Writing to the scale registers while channels are operating can cause
irregularities in the PWM outputs.
Clock Select
Each PWM channel has the capability of selecting one of two clocks. For channels 0, 1, 4, and 5 the clock
choices are clock A or clock SA. For channels 2, 3, 6, and 7 the choices are clock B or clock SB. The clock
selection is done with the PCLKx control bits in the PWMCLK register.
Changing clock control bits while channels are operating can cause
irregularities in the PWM outputs.
PWM Channel Timers
The main part of the PWM module are the actual timers. Each of the timer channels has a counter, a period
register and a duty register (each are 8-bit). The waveform output period is controlled by a match between
the period register and the value in the counter. The duty is controlled by a match between the duty register