MB90570 Series
Crystal Oscillator Circuit
Noises around X0 or X1 pins may be possible causes of abnormal operations. Make sure to provide bypass
capacitors via shortest distance from X0, X1 pins, crystal oscillator (or ceramic resonator) and ground lines, and
make sure, to the utmost effort, that lines of oscillation circuit do not cross the lines of other circuits.
It is highly recommended to provide a printed circuit board art work surrounding X0 and X1 pins with an grand
area for stabilizing the operation.
Turning-on Sequence of Power Supply to A/D Converter and Analog Inputs
Make sure to turn on the A/D converter power supply, D/A converter power supply (AVCC, AVRH, AVRL, DVCC,DVSS)
and analog inputs (AN0 to AN7) after turning-on the digital power supply (VCC).
Turn-off the digital power after turning off the A/D converter supply and analog inputs. In this case, make sure
that the voltage does not exceed AVRH or AVCC (turning on/off the analog and digital power supplies simulta-
neously is acceptable).
Connection of Unused Pins of A/D Converter
Connect unused pins of A/D converter to AVCC = VCC, AVSS = AVRH = DVCC = VSS.
N.C. Pins
The N.C. (internally connected) pins must be opened for use.
Notes on Energization
To prevent the internal regulator circuit from malfunctioning, set the voltage rise time during energization at 50
or more
s (0.2 V to 2.7 V).
10. Initialization
In the device, there are internal registers which are initialized only by a power-on reset. Turn on the power again
to initialize these registers.
11. Return from standby state
If the power-supply voltage goes below the standby RAM holding voltage in the standby state, the device may
fail to return from the standby state. In this case, reset the device via the external reset pin to return to the normal
12. Precautions for Use of ’DIV A, Ri,’ and ’DIVW A, Ri’ Instructions
The signed multiplication-division instructions ’DIV A, Ri,’ and ’DIVW A, RWi’ should be used when the corre-
sponding bank registers (DTB, ADB, USB, SSB) are set to value ’00h.’ If the corresponding bank registers (DTB,
ADB, USB, SSB) are set to a value other than ’00h,’ then the remainder obtained after the execution of the
instruction will not be placed in the instruction operand register.