MB89930A Series
Low-power consumption modes ( sleep mode, and stop mode)
SSOP-30 and MQFP-48 package
CMOS Technology
Mass production product
(mask ROM product)
One-time PROM product
(for small-scale production)
Piggyback/evaluation product
(for development)
ROM size
16 K
× 8 bits
(internal mask ROM)
16 K
× 8 bits
(internal PROM)
32 K
× 8 bits
(external EPROM)
RAM size
× 8 bits
CPU functions
Number of instructions:
Instruction bit length:
8 bits
Instruction length:
1 to 3 bytes
Data bit length:
1, 8, 16 bits
Minimum execution time:
s to 6.4 s(10 MHz)
Interrupt processing time: 3.6
s to 57.6 s(10 MHz)
General-purpose I/O ports (CMOS): 21 (also serve as peripherals )
(4 ports are also an N-ch open-drain type.)
21-bit time
base timer
21-bit Interrupt cycle: 0.82, 3.3, 26.2, or 419.4 ms with 10-MHz main clock
Watching timer
Reset generation cycle: 419.4 ms minimum with 10-MHz main clock
8-bit PWM timer
8-bit interval timer operation (square output capable, operating clock cycle:
s , 3.2 s ,6.4 s ,25.6 s)
8-bit resolution PWM operation (conversion cycle: 102.4
s to 26.84s)
Count clock selectable between 8-bit and 16-bit timer/counter outputs
8/16-bit capture,
8-bit capture timer/counter x 1 channel + 8-bit timer or
16-bit capture timer/counter x 1 channel
Capable of event count operation and square wave output using external clock input with
8-bit timer 0 or 16-bit counter
Transfer data length: 6/7/8 bits
Transfer rate: 300 to 9600 bps/10 MHz
8-bit Serial I/O
8 bits LSB first/MSB first selectable
One clock selectable from four operation clocks
(one external shift clock, three internal shift clocks: 0.8
s, 6.4 s, 25.6 s)
12-bit PPG timer
Output frequency: Pulse width and cycle selectable
External interrupt 1
(wake-up function)
3 channels (Interrupt vector, request flag, request output enabled)
Edge selectable (Rising edge, falling edge, or both edges)
Also available for resetting stop/sleep mode (Edge detectable even in stop mode)
External interrupt 2
(wake-up function)
1 channel with 8 inputs (Independent L-level interrupt and input enable)
Also available for resetting stop/sleep mode (Level detectable even in stop mode)
10-bit A/D converter
10-bit precision x 8 channels
A/D conversion function (Conversion time : 15.2
s/10 MHz)
Continuous activation by 8/16-bit timer/counter output or time-base timer counter
Part number