See Section 3.7 "Standby Modes" for a description of the standby modes."
s Speed-Shift (Main Clock Speed-switching) Function
One of four main clock frequencies can be selected by writing the appropriate values between
"00B"and "11B" to main clock speed select bits of the system clock control register (SYCC:
CS1, CS0).
The switch-selected clock signal provides the operating clock for the CPU and peripheral
circuits. The timebase timer and watch prescaler, however, are not affected by the speed-shift
(gear) function.
A slower main clock speed reduces power consumption.
s Operation of Main Clock Mode
The main clock and the subclock oscillators both run in the "main-run" mode (the normal main
clock operating mode). The watch prescaler runs on the subclock, but the CPU, timebase timer,
and other peripheral circuits all use the main clock.
When operating in main clock mode, the speed-shift function can be used to select a main clock
speed. This selection affects all circuits that are clocked by the main clock except for the
timebase timer. By specifying a standby mode, you can also go to "main-sleep,"or "main-stop"
When the device is reset, the system always starts out in "main-run" mode regardless of how
the reset was initiated. (Each operating mode exited by reset.)
r Changing from main clock mode to subclock mode
Writing "0" to the system clock select bit in the system clock control register (SYCC:SCS)
changes the CPU from the main clock to subclock mode. You can determine which clock is
currently being used by checking the system clock monitor bit of the same register (SYCC:
If you go to subclock mode immediately after power on, write the software so as to provide a
longer subclock oscillation stabilization delay time than that defined by the watch prescaler.
s Operation of Subclock Mode
In the normal subclock operating mode ("sub-run" mode), the system runs on the subclock only.
The main clock oscillator is stopped. Using the low speed subclock reduces power
Other than the timebase timer, all functions operate the same in subclock mode as they do in
main clock mode. If standby mode is specified while operating in subclock mode, the device
goes to "sub-sleep," "sub-stop," or "watch" mode.
r Returning to main clock mode from subclock mode
Writing "1" to the system clock select bit in the system clock control register (SYCC:SCS)
returns to main clock mode from subclock mode.
Operation from the main clock, however, will not start until after the main clock oscillation
stabilization delay time has passed. One of four wait times can be selected by setting the
Main clock source oscillation
Subclock source oscillation
Since the timebase timer is derived from the main clock, it stops in subclock mode.