erasure on.................................................. 414
EPROM mode, memory map in ........................... 412
EPROM programmer socket adaptor................... 412
EPROM, programming to..................................... 415
external divider resistor ........................................ 348
external divider resistor, using ............................. 348
external interrupt 1 control register (EIE1) ........... 258
external interrupt 1 flag register (EIF1) ................ 260
external interrupt 2 control register (EIE2) ........... 275
external interrupt 2 flag register (EIF2) ................ 277
external interrupt circuit 1 function (edge detection) ..
external interrupt circuit 1 interrupt source........... 257
external interrupt circuit 1 interrupt, operation of . 264
external interrupt circuit 1 interrupt, register and
vector table for ........................................... 263
external interrupt circuit 1 operation, interrupt for 262
external interrupt circuit 1 pin ............................... 255
external interrupt circuit 1 pin, block diagram of .. 256
external interrupt circuit 1 register........................ 257
external interrupt circuit 1, block diagram of ........ 253
external interrupt circuit 1, program example for . 266
external interrupt circuit 2 function (level detection)...
external interrupt circuit 2 interrupt source........... 274
external interrupt circuit 2 interrupt, register and
vector table for ........................................... 278
external interrupt circuit 2 operation, interrupt for 278
external interrupt circuit 2 pin ............................... 272
external interrupt circuit 2 pin, block diagram of .. 273
external interrupt circuit 2 register........................ 274
external interrupt circuit 2, operation of................ 279
external interrupt circuit 2, program example for . 281
external reset pin function...................................... 79
external reset pin, block diagram of ....................... 79
extra pointer (EP)................................................... 58
FPT-64P-M03 and FPT-64P-M09 pin assignment. 32
FPT-64P-M03 package dimension ........................ 34
FPT-64P-M09 package dimension ........................ 36
general-purpose register area................................ 54
general-purpose register, feature of....................... 65
general-purpose register, structure........................ 63
handling device, note on ........................................ 48
I/O area...................................................................52
I/O map.................................................................382
I/O pin and pin function...........................................38
I/O port function ....................................................120
I/O port, program example for ..............................158
index register (IX) ...................................................58
instruction cycle (tinst) ............................................92
instruction list symbol ...........................................386
instruction map .....................................................406
internal divider resistor .........................................345
internal voltage divider resistor, use of .................346
interrupt acceptance control bit ..............................60
interrupt for A/D conversion function ....................297
interrupt for external interrupt circuit 1 operation..262
interrupt for external interrupt circuit 2 operation..278
interrupt for interval timer function ................168, 203
interrupt for interval timer function (watch interrupt) ...
interrupt for sense function ...................................297
interrupt level setting registers (ILR1, ILR2, ILR3),
structure of ...................................................67
interrupt processing ................................................69
interrupt processing time ........................................73
interrupt processing, stack area for ........................76
interrupt processing, stack operation at start of......75
interrupt request from peripheral function...............66
interrupt request generator ...................................271
interrupt return, stack operation at..........................75
interrupt, wake-up from standby mode by ............115
interval timer function ...........................162, 186, 216
interval timer function (timebase timer), operation of .
interval timer function (watch interrupt) ................308
interval timer function (watch prescaler), operation of
interval timer function, interrupt for ...............168, 203
interval timer function, operation of ..............204, 235
interval timer function, program example for 211, 246
LCD control register 2 (LCR2) ..............................356
LCD controller/driver function ...............................342
LCD controller/driver pin .......................................350
LCD controller/driver pin, block diagram of ..........350
LCD controller/driver RAM....................................353
LCD controller/driver register................................353
LCD controller/driver, block diagram of ................343
LCD controller/driver, operation of........................360