Table 3. AUX_ Data-Byte Format (C4 = “1”)
Table 4. Clickless Mode/BIAS_ Data-Byte
Format (C5 = “1”)
2-Wire Serial Interface
The MAX4550 uses a 2-wire, fast-mode, I2C-compatible
serial interface. This protocol consists of an address
byte followed by the command and data bytes. To
address a given chip, the A0 and A1 bits in the
address byte must duplicate the values present at the
A0 and A1 pins of that chip. The rest of the address
bits control MAX4550 operation. The command and
data-byte details are described in the
and Data-Byte Programming section.
The 2-wire serial interface requires only two I/O lines of
a standard microprocessor port. Figures 1 and 2 detail
the timing diagram for signals on the 2-wire bus, and
Table 5 details the format of the signals. The MAX4550
is a receive-only device and must be controlled by a
bus master device. A bus master device communicates
by transmitting the address byte of the slave device
over the bus and then transmitting the desired informa-
tion. Each transmission consists of a start condition, the
MAX4550’s programmable slave-address byte, a com-
mand-byte, a data-byte, and finally a stop condition.
The slave device acknowledges the recognition of its
address by pulling the SDA line low for one clock peri-
od after the address byte is transmitted. The slave
device also issues a similar acknowledgment after the
command byte and again after the data byte.
Start and Stop Conditions
The bus-master signals the beginning of a transmission
with a start condition by transitioning SDA from high to
low while SCL is high. When the master has finished
communicating with the slave, it issues a stop condition
by transitioning SDA from low to high while SCL is high.
The bus is then free for another transmission.
Slave Address (Address Byte)
The MAX4550 uses an 8-bit-long slave address. To
select a slave address, connect A0 and A1 to V+ or
GND. The MAX4550 has four possible slave addresses,
thus a maximum of four of these devices may share the
same 2-bit address bus. The slave device (MAX4550)
monitors the serial bus continuously, waiting for a start
condition followed by an address byte. When a slave
device recognizes its address (10011A1A00), it
acknowledges that it is ready for further communication
by pulling the SDA line low while SCL is high.
3-Wire Serial Interface
The MAX4570 3-wire serial interface is SPI/
QSPI/MICROWIRE-compatible. An active-low chip-
select (CS) input enables the device to receive data
from the serial input (DIN). Data is clocked in on the ris-
ing edge of the serial-clock (SCLK) signal. A total of 16
bits are needed in each write cycle. Segmented write
cycles are allowed (two 8-bit-wide transfers) if CS
remains low. The first bit clocked into the MAX4550 is
the command byte’s MSB, and the last bit clocked in is
the data byte’s LSB. While shifting data, the device
remains in its original configuration. After all 16 bits are
clocked into the input shift register, a rising edge on CS
latches the data into the MAX4570 internal registers,
initiating the device’s change of state.
Serially Controlled, Dual 4x2, Clickless
Audio/Video Analog Crosspoint Switches
Don’t care
Don’t care
Controls output Q1; 1 = set output high,
0 = set output low.
Don’t care
Controls output Q3; 1 = set output high,
0 = set output low.
Controls output Q0; 1 = set output high,
0 = set output low.
Controls output Q2; 1 = set output high,
0 = set output low.
Controls COM2A clickless mode; 1 = enables
clickless mode, 0 = disables clickless mode.
Controls COM2B clickless mode; 1 = enables
clickless mode, 0 = disables clickless mode.
Controls COM1A clickless mode; 1 = enables
clickless mode, 0 = disables clickless mode.
Controls COM2A bias resistors; 1 = connect bias
resistors, 0 = disconnect bias resistors.
Controls COM1B clickless mode; 1 = enables
clickless mode, 0 = disables clickless mode.
Controls COM2B bias resistors; 1 = connect bias
resistors, 0 = disconnect bias resistors.
Controls COM1A bias resistors; 1 = connect bias
resistors, 0 = disconnect bias resistors.
Controls COM1B bias resistors; 1 = connect bias
resistors, 0 = disconnect bias resistors.