32 x 16 Nonblocking Video Crosspoint Switch
with On-Screen Display Insertion and I/O Buffers
In Mode 0, data at DIN passes directly to DOUT
through the data routing gate (Figure 3). In this configu-
ration, the 16-bit control word is simultaneously sent to
all chips in an array of up to 16 addresses.
Complete Matrix Mode (MODE = 1)
Drive MODE to logic high to select Mode 1. A single
112-bit control word, consisting of sixteen 7-bit control
words, programs all outputs. The 112-bit control word’s
first 7-bit control word (MSBs) programs output 15, and
the last 7-bit control word (LSBs) programs output 0
(Table 7 and Figures 4 and 5). Data clocked into the
112-bit complete matrix mode register is latched on the
falling edge of
UPDATE, and the outputs are immedi-
ately updated.
Initialization String
Complete Matrix Mode (Mode = 1) is convenient for
programming the matrix at power-up. In a large matrix
consisting of many MAX4358s, all the devices can be
programmed by sending a single bit stream equal to n
x 112 bits where n is the number of MAX4358 devices
on the bus. The first 112-bit data word programs the
last in-line MAX4358 (see Matrix Programming under
the Applications Information section).
On-Screen-Display (OSD) Fast MUX
The MAX4358 features an asynchronous dedicated 2:1
Mux for each output buffer amplifier. Fast 40ns switch-
ing times enable pixel switching for on-screen-display
(OSD) information such as text or other picture-in-pic-
ture signals (Figure 1). OSDFILL_ inputs are buffered
analog inputs connected to each dedicated OSD Mux.
Drive the dedicated OSDKEY_ digital input to switch
between the programmed IN_ input from the crosspoint
switch matrix and the OSDFILL_. A logic low on
OSDKEYi routes the analog signal at OSDFILLi to the
OUTi output buffer. OSDKEY_ control does not affect
the crosspoint switch matrix programming or the out-
put-buffer enable/disable or gain-set programming.
The MAX4358 features an asynchronous bidirectional
RESET with an internal 20k pullup resistor to VDD.
RESET is pulled low either by internal circuitry, or
driven externally, the analog output buffers are latched
into a high-impedance state. After
RESET is released,
the output buffers remain disabled. The outputs may be
enabled by sending a new 112-bit data word or a 16-bit
individual output address word. A reset is initiated from
any of three sources.
RESET can be driven low by
external circuitry to initiate a reset, or
RESET can be
pulled low by internal circuitry during power-up (power-
on-reset) or thermal shutdown.
Table 2. 16-Bit Serial Control Word Bit Assignments (Mode 0: Individual Output
Address Mode)
15 (MSB)
Don’t Care
IC Address A3
MSB of selected chip address
IC Address A2
IC Address A1
IC Address A0
LSB of selected chip address
Output Address B3
MSB of output buffer address
Output Address B2
Output Address B1
Output Address B0
LSB of output buffer address
Output Enable
Enable bit for output, 0 = disable, 1 = enable.
Gain Set
Gain Select for output buffer, 0 = gain of +1V/V, 1 = gain of +2V/V.
Input Address 4
MSB of input channel select address
Input Address 3
Input Address 2
Input Address 1
0 (LSB)
Input Address 0
LSB of input channel select address