MAX2825/MAX2826/MAX2827 Evaluation Kits
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft.
HP8663A or equivalent low-noise signal source
capable of generating a 20MHz or 40MHz reference
oscillator signal
Two HP8648 or equivalent signal sources capable of
generating 0dBm up to 6GHz
802.11x I/Q waveform generator (optional)
HP8561E or equivalent RF spectrum analyzer with a
minimum frequency range of 100kHz to 6GHz
TDS3012 or equivalent oscilloscope with 200MHz
IBM PC or compatible with Windows95/98/2000/NT
4.0, or later operating system and an available paral-
lel port
Male-to-female 25-pin parallel cable, straight through
Connections and Setup
This section provides step-by-step instructions for get-
ting the EV kit up and running in all modes:
1) Install and run the MAX2825/MAX2826/MAX2827
control software.
2) To control the EV kit through the 3-wire interface,
connect the male-to-female 25-pin parallel cable
between the PC and EV kit.
3) With the power supply turned off, connect a +2.7V
power supply to the header labeled VCC (J13).
Connect the power-supply ground to the header
labeled GND (J12).
4) With the power supply turned off, connect a +5V
power supply to the header labeled +5V (J16), and
a -5V power supply to the header labeled -5V (J14).
Connect the power-supply ground to the header
labeled GND (J21).
5) Connect the low-noise signal source to FREF (J9).
6) Turn on the +5V and -5V power supplies, followed
by the +2.7V power supply. Set the low-noise signal
source to 20MHz and 2dBm. Enable the signal
source. The lock indicator should be green.
Receive Mode
To evaluate the devices in receive mode:
1) Set the RXON jumper (JP22) to the On position and
the TXON jumper (JP21) to the Off position.
2) Connect the RF signal source to either RXRFL
(802.11g, J4) or RXRFH (802.11a, J3). Set the RF fre-
quency to 2437MHz (802.11g) or 5.25GHz (802.11a).
Set the signal power to -100dBm.
3) Set the register setting to the default values listed in
the MAX2825/MAX2826/MAX2827 data sheet. Use
the software to select between 802.11g and 802.11a
modes. In the program, set the frequency to either
2442MHz (802.11g) or 5.255GHz (802.11a). Set the
RX gain to maximum using either the slider bar or
the control bits.
4) Connect the spectrum analyzer to either RXBBI or
RXBBQ. Set the center frequency to 5MHz with a
10MHz span.
5) Turn on the RF signal source. The output at 5MHz
should be approximately -4dBm (802.11g) or -5dBm
Transmit Mode
To evaluate the devices in transmit mode:
1) Set the TXON jumper (JP21) to the On position and
the RXON jumper (JP22) to the Off position.
2) Connect a 2MHz I/Q signal to TXBBQ and TXBBI.
Set the input amplitude of each channel to
3) Set the register setting to the default values listed in
the MAX2825/MAX2826/MAX2827 data sheet. Use
the software to select between 802.11g and
802.11a modes. In the program, set the frequency
to either 2437MHz (802.11g) or 5.25GHz (802.11a).
Set the TX gain to maximum using either the slider
bar or the control bits.
4) Connect the spectrum analyzer to either TXRFL
(802.11g, J1) or TXRFH (802.11a, J2).
5) Turn on the baseband signal sources. The output at
RF should be approximately -2dBm (802.11g) or
-4dBm (802.11a).
Layout Considerations
The MAX2825/MAX2826/MAX2827 EV kits can serve as
guides for board layout. Keep PC board trace lengths
as short as possible to minimize parasitic inductance.
Also, keep decoupling capacitors as close to the IC as
possible with a direct connection to the ground plane.
Please refer to the MAX2825/MAX2826/MAX2827 data
sheet for more detailed information. Gerber files for
these EV kits can be requested at www.maxim-ic.com.