M41ST85Y, M41ST85W
Data Retention Mode
With valid VCC applied, the M41ST85Y/W can be
accessed as described above with READ or
WRITE Cycles. Should the supply voltage decay,
the M41ST85Y/W will automatically deselect,
write protecting itself (and any external SRAM)
VPFD(min). This is accomplished by internally in-
hibiting access to the clock registers. At this time,
the Reset pin (RST) is driven active and will re-
main active until VCC returns to nominal levels. Ex-
ternal RAM access is inhibited in a similar manner
by forcing ECON to a high level. This level is within
0.2 volts of the VBAT. ECON will remain at this level
as long as VCC remains at an out-of-tolerance con-
dition. When VCC falls below the Battery Back-up
Switchover Voltage (VSO), power input is switched
from the VCC pin to the SNAPHAT
battery, and
the clock registers and external SRAM are main-
tained from the attached battery supply.
All outputs become high impedance. The VOUT pin
is capable of supplying 100 A of current to the at-
tached memory with less than 0.3 volts drop under
this condition. On power up, when VCC returns to
a nominal value, write protection continues for trec
by inhibiting ECON. The RST signal also remains
Note: Most low power SRAMs on the market to-
day can be used with the M41ST85Y/W RTC SU-
PERVISOR. There are, however some criteria
which should be used in making the final choice of
an SRAM to use. The SRAM must be designed in
a way where the chip enable input disables all oth-
er inputs to the SRAM. This allows inputs to the
M41ST85Y/W and SRAMs to be “Don’t Care”
once VCC falls below VPFD(min). The SRAM
should also guarantee data retention down to
VCC=2.0 volts. The chip enable access time must
be sufficient to meet the system needs with the
chip enable output propagation delays included. If
the SRAM includes a second chip enable pin (E2),
this pin should be tied to VOUT.
If data retention lifetime is a critical parameter for
the system, it is important to review the data reten-
SRAMs being evaluated. Most SRAMs specify a
data retention current at 3.0 volts. Manufacturers
generally specify a typical condition for room tem-
perature along with a worst case condition (gener-
ally at elevated temperatures). The system level
requirements will determine the choice of which
value to use. The data retention current value of
the SRAMs can then be added to the IBAT value of
the M41ST85Y/W to determine the total current re-
quirements for data retention. The available bat-
tery capacity for the SNAPHAT of your choice
can then be divided by this current to determine
the amount of data retention available (see
TableFor a further more detailed review of lifetime calcu-
lations, please see Application Note AN1012.