Apr 10, 2008
38D2 Group
The oscillation circuit of 38D2 Group can be formed by
connecting an oscillator, capacitor and resistor between XIN and
XOUT (XCIN and XCOUT). To supply a clock signal externally,
input it to the XIN pin and make the XOUT pin open. The clocks
that are externally generated cannot be directly input to XCIN.
Use the circuit constants in accordance with the oscillator
manufacturer's recommended values. No external resistor is
needed between XIN and XOUT since a feed-back resistor exists
on-chip. (An external feed-back resistor may be needed
depending on conditions.) However, an about 10 M
Ω external
feedback resistor is needed between XCIN and XCOUT.
The 38D2 Group operation mode immediately after reset
depends on the OSCSEL pin state in the QzROM version.
When the OSCSEL pin state is GND level, the only on-chip
oscillator starts oscillating. The XIN-XOUT oscillation stops
oscillating, and XCIN and XCOUT pins function as I/O ports.
Flash memory version as same.
When the OSCSEL pin state is VCC level, the XIN-XOUT
oscillation divided by 8 starts oscillating. The on-chip oscillator
stops oscillating, and the XCIN and XCOUT pins function as I/O
Note the following in each mode.
XIN Mode
The XIN-XOUT oscillation does not stop even if the XIN-XOUT
oscillation stop bit is set to “1”.
Low-Speed Mode
The XCIN-XCOUT oscillation stops if the port XC switch bit is set
to “0”.
On-Chip Oscillator Mode
Even if the on-chip oscillator stop bit is set to “1”, the on-chip
oscillator oscillation does not stop in the flash memory version,
but stops in the QzROM version.
Frequency Control
(1) On-chip oscillation mode
The system clock
φ is the on-chip oscillator oscillation divided
by 32.
(2) XIN mode
Frequency/2 mode, frequency /4 mode, and frequency/8 mode
are collectively referred as XIN mode.
- Frequency/8 Mode
The system clock
φ is the frequency of XIN divided by 8.
- Frequency/4 Mode
The system clock
φ is the frequency of XIN divided by 4.
- Frequency/2 Mode
The system clock
φ is half the frequency of XIN.
(3)Low-speed Mode
The system clock
φ is half the frequency of sub clock.
After reset and when system returns from the stop mode, the
operation mode depends on the OSCSEL pin state in the
QzROM version and the flash memory version operation mode is
the on-chip oscillator mode.
When the RESET pin changes from “L” to “H” and when the
STP instruction is executed, determine the input level applied to
the OSCSEL pin.
Refer to the clock state transition diagram for the setting of
transition to each mode.
The XIN-OUT oscillation is controlled by the bit 5 of CPUM, and
the sub-clock oscillation is controlled by the bit 4 of CPUM and
the on-chip oscillator oscillation is controlled by the bit 0 of
In the on-chip oscillator mode, the oscillation by the oscillator
can be stopped. In the low-speed mode, the power consumption
can be reduced by stopping the XIN
XOUT oscillation.
In low-speed mode, the on-chip oscillator stops in the QzROM
version regardless of the on-chip oscillator stop bit value. The
on-chip oscillator does not stop in the flash memory version, so
set the on-chip oscillator stop bit to “1” to stop the oscillation.
Set enough time for oscillation to stabilize by programming to
restart the stopped oscillation and switch the operation mode.
Also, set enough time for oscillation to stabilize by programming
to switch the timer count source.
<Notes on Clock Generating Circuit>
If you switch the mode between on-chip oscillator mode, XIN
mode and low-speed mode, stabilize both XIN and XCIN
oscillations. Especially be careful immediately after power-on
and at returning from stop mode. Refer to the clock state
transition diagram for the setting of transition to each mode. Set
the frequency in the condition that f(XIN) > 3
When the XIN mode is not used (XIN-XOUT oscillation and
external clock input are not performed), connect XIN to VCC
through a resistor.