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Corrections and Supplementary Explanation for M37906MxX Datasheet (Rev.C) No.6
after the oscillation circuit has been restarted
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Fig. 87
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after the oscillation circuit and PLL circuit have been
Particular function register 1
STP-instruction-execution status bit (Note 1)
0: Normal operation.
1: STP instruction has been executed.
WIT-instruction-execution status bit (Note 1)
0: Normal operation.
1: WIT instruction has been executed.
System clock stop select bit at WIT (Note 2)
0: In wait mode, system clocl fsys is active.
1: In wait mode, system clock fsys is stopped.
Notes 1: Even when “1” is written, the bit status will
not change.
Notes 1: Even when “1” is try to be written, the bit
status will not change.
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Line 5
, and divide clocks Wf32 and Wf512 are inactive with the
“L” state.
, and divide clocks Wf32 and Wf512 are stopped in the
“L” state.
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Lines 6, 7
, and peripheral devices’ clock f1 to f4096 remain
operating. Therefore, BIU and CPU are stopped,
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Lines 9, 10
, which use the peripheral devices’ clocks f 1 to f4096,
are still operating. Note that the watchdog timer is stopped.
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Lines 13, 14
, and input clock fXIN are operating, while system clock
φBIU, φCPU, and peripheral devices’ clocks stop
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Lines 16, 17
, Wf32 and Wf512, are stopped. At this time, timers A
and B operate only in the event counter mode,
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the system clocks stop select bit at WIT is to be set to
, and peripheral devices’ clocks f1 to f4096 remain
active. Therefore, BIU and CPU are inactive,
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, and clock input fXIN are operating in the WIT mode,
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(1) Stop of system clock in wait mode
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, if the internal peripheral devices need not to operate,
the system clock stop select bit
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and peripheral devices’ clock stop their operations,
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(2) Stop of oscillation circuit
When an externally-generated-stable clock is input to pin
Page 78,
Table 11
Notes 1: , the oscillation circuit stops. Also, clock input
from pin XIN available.
2: , the PLL circuit stops.
Notes 1: , the oscillation circuit is inactive. Also, clock
input from pin XIN is allowed.
2: , the PLL circuit is inactive.
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Line 3
(bit 5 of the clock control register) = “1”,
(bit 5 of the clock control register 0) = “1”,
Particular function register 1
STP-instruction-execution status bit (Note 1)
0: Normal operation.
1: STP instruction is under execution.
WIT-instruction-execution status bit (Note 1)
0: Normal operation.
1: WIT instruction is under execution.
System clock stop select bit at WIT (Note 2)
0: In wait mode, system clocl fsys is active.
1: In wait mode, system clock fsys is inactive.
When an externally-generated stable clock is input to pin
(2) Inactive oscillation circuit
and peripheral devices’ clock are inactive, and
, if the internal peripheral devices need not to operate,
when the system clock stop select bit
(1) Inactive system clock in wait mode
, and clock input fXIN are active in the WIT mode,
the system clocks stop select bit at WIT needs to be
set to “1”
, Wf32 and Wf512, become inactive. At this time, timers
A and B are active only in the event counter mode,
, and input clock fXIN are active, while system clock
φBIU, φCPU, and peripheral devices’ clocks are inactive.
, which use the peripheral devices’ clocks f 1 to f4096,
are still active. Note that the watchdog timer is inactive.