M37210M3-XXXSP/FP, M37210M4-XXXSP, M37211M2-XXXSP
M37210E4-XXXSP/FP, M37210E4SP/FP
Fig. 6 Structure of timer-related registers
The M37210M3-XXXSP has 4 timers: timer 1, timer 2, timer 3 and
timer 4. All timers are 8-bit timers with the 8-bit timer latch. The timer
block diagram is shown in Figure 7.
All of the timers count down and their divide ratio is 1/(n+1), where n
is the value of timer latch. The value is set to a timer at the same time
by writing a count value to the corresponding timer latch (addresses
00F016 to 00F316 : timers 1 to 4).
The count value is decremented by 1. The timer interrupt request bit
is set to “1” by an timer overflow at the next count pulse after the
count value reaches “0016.”
(1) Timer 1
Timer 1 can select one of the following count sources:
The count source of timer 1 is selected by setting bit 0 of the timer 12
mode register (address 00F416).
Timer 1 interrupt request occurs at timer 1 overflow.
(2) Timer 2
Timer 2 can select one of the following count sources:
Timer 1 overflow signal
External clock from the P32/TIM2 pin
The count source of timer 2 is selected by setting bits 4 and 1 of the
timer 12 mode register (address 00F416). When timer 1 overflow
signal is a count source for the timer 2, the timer 1 functions as an 8-
bit prescaler.
Timer 2 interrupt request occurs at timer 2 overflow.
(3) Timer 3
Timer 3 can select one of the following count sources:
External clock from the P33/TIM3 pin and the HSYNC pin
The count source of timer 3 is selected by setting bits 5 and 0 of the
timer 34 mode register (address 00F516).
Timer 3 interrupt request occurs at timer 3 overflow.
(4) Timer 4
Timer 4 can select one of the following count sources:
Timer 3 overflow signal
The count source of timer 3 is selected by setting bits 4 and 1 of the
timer 34 mode register 2 (address 00F516). When timer 3 overflow
signal is a count source for the timer 4, the timer 3 functions as an 8-
bit prescaler.
Timer 4 interrupt request occurs at timer 4 overflow.
At reset, timers 3 and 4 are connected by hardware and “FF16” is
automatically set in timer 3; “0716” in timer 4. The f(XIN)/16 is se-
lected as the timer 3 count source. The internal reset is released by
timer 4 overflow at these state, the internal clock is connected .
At execution of the STP instruction, timers 3 and 4 are connected by
hardware and “FF16” is automatically set in timer 3; “0716” in timer 4.
However, the f(XIN)16 is not selected as the timer 3 count source. So
set bit 0 of the timer 34 mode register (address 00F516) to “0” before
the execution of the STP instruction (f(XIN)16 is selected as the timer
3 count source). The internal STP state is released by timer 4 over-
flow at these state, the internal clock is connected .
Because of this, the program starts with stable clock.
The structure of timer-related registers is shown in Figure 6.
Timer 2 internal count source
selection bit
0 : f (XIN ) /16
1 : Timer 1 overflow signal
Timer 2 count stop bit
0 : Operation
1 : stop
Timer 1 count stop bit
0 : Operation
1 : Stop
Timer 2 count source selection bit
0 : Internal clock source
1 : External clock source from P32/TIM2 pin
Timer 1 count source selection bit
0 : f (XIN ) /16
1 : 1024
s clock
Timer 12 mode register
(TM12MR : address 00F416 )
Timer 3 count source selection bit
0 : f (XIN ) /16
1 : External clock source (bits)
Timer 34 mode register
(TM34MR : address 00F516 )
Timer 4 internal count source
selection bit
0 : Timer 3 overflow signal
1 : f (XIN ) /16
Timer 3 count stop bit
0 : Operation
1 : Stop
Timer 4 count stop bit
0 : Operation
1 : Stop
Timer 4 count source selection bit
0 : Internal clock source
1 : f (XIN ) /2
Timer 3 external count source
selection bit
0 : P33 /TIM3 pin input
1 : HSYNC pin input
Fix this bit to “0”