Mitsubishi microcomputers
M16C / 62T Group
A-D Converter
(a) Sample and hold
Sample and hold is selected by setting bit 0 of the A-D control register 2 (address 03D416) to “1”. When
sample and hold is selected, the rate of conversion of each pin increases. As a result, a 28
φAD cycle is
achieved with 8-bit resolution and 33
φAD with 10-bit resolution. Sample and hold can be selected in all
modes. However, in all modes, be sure to specify before starting A-D conversion whether sample and
hold is to be used.
(b) Extended analog input pins
In one-shot mode and repeat mode, the input via the extended analog input pins ANEX0 and ANEX1 can
also be converted from analog to digital.
When bit 6 of the A-D control register 1 (address 03D716) is “1” and bit 7 is “0”, input via ANEX0 is
converted from analog to digital. The result of conversion is stored in A-D register 0.
When bit 6 of the A-D control register 1 (address 03D716) is “0” and bit 7 is “1”, input via ANEX1 is
converted from analog to digital. The result of conversion is stored in A-D register 1.
Furthermore, the input via 16pins of the extended analog input pins AN00 to AN07, AN20 to AN27 can be
converted from analog to digital. These pins can be used the same as AN0 to AN7.
Use the A-D control register 2 (address 03D416) bit 1 and bit 2 to select the pin group AN0 to AN7, AN00
to AN07, AN20 to AN27.
In the selected pin group, the pins is not used as the analog input pin, can be used as normal I/O ports, or
I/O pins of each peripheral function.
(c) External operation amp connection mode
In this mode, multiple external analog inputs via the extended analog input pins, ANEX0 and ANEX1, can
be amplified together by just one operation amp and used as the input for A-D conversion.
When bit 6 of the A-D control register 1 (address 03D716) is “1” and bit 7 is “1”, input via AN0 to AN7(Note
1) is output from ANEX0. The input from ANEX1 is converted from analog to digital and the result stored
in the corresponding A-D register. The speed of A-D conversion depends on the response of the external
operation amp. Do not connect the ANEX0 and ANEX1 pins directly. Figure 1.20.9 is an example of how
to connect the pins in external operation amp mode.
Note 1: AN00 to AN07, AN20 to AN27 can be used the same as AN0 to AN7.
(d) Caution of using A-D converter
(1) Set the direction register of the following ports to input: the port corresponding to a pin to be used as
an analog input pin and external trigger input pin(P97).
(2) In using a key-input interrupt, none of 4 pins (AN4 through AN7) can be used as an A-D conversion port
(if the A-D input voltage goes to ‘‘L’’ level, a key-input interrupt occurs).
(3) Insert the capacitor between AVcc and AVss, between VREF and AVss, and between the analog input
pin (ANi) and AVss, to prevent a malfunction or program runaway, and to reduce conversion error,
due to noise. Figure 1.20.10 is an example connection of each pin.