2.2.3 Operation of Timer A (timer mode, gate function selected) ............................................... 2-14
2.2.4 Operation of Timer A (timer mode, pulse output function selected) .................................. 2-16
2.2.5 Operation of Timer A (event counter mode, reload type selected) .................................... 2-18
2.2.6 Operation of Timer A (event counter mode, free run type selected) .................................. 2-20
2.2.7 Operation of timer A (2-phase pulse signal process in event counter mode, normal mode se-
lected) ................................................................................................................................ 2-22
2.2.8 Operation of timer A (2-phase pulse signal process in event counter mode, multiply-by-4 mode
selected) ............................................................................................................................ 2-24
2.2.9 Operation of Timer A (one-shot timer mode) ..................................................................... 2-26
2.2.10 Operation of Timer A (one-shot timer mode, external trigger selected) ........................... 2-28
2.2.11 Operation of Timer A (pulse width modulation mode, 16-bit PWM mode selected) ........ 2-30
2.2.12 Operation of Timer A (pulse width modulation mode, 8-bit PWM mode selected) .......... 2-32
2.2.13 Precautions for Timer A (timer mode) .............................................................................. 2-34
2.2.14 Precautions for Timer A (event counter mode) ................................................................ 2-35
2.2.15 Precautions for Timer A (one-shot timer mode) ............................................................... 2-36
2.2.16 Precautions for Timer A (pulse width modulation mode) ................................................. 2-37
2.3 Timer B Usage .......................................................................................................................... 2-38
2.3.1 Overview of the timer B usage ........................................................................................... 2-38
2.3.2 Operation of Timer B (timer mode) .................................................................................... 2-42
2.3.3 Operation of Timer B (event counter mode) ...................................................................... 2-44
2.3.4 Operation of Timer B (pulse period measurement mode) ................................................. 2-46
2.3.5 Operation of Timer B (pulse width measurement mode) ................................................... 2-48
2.3.6 Precautions for Timer B (timer mode, event counter mode) .............................................. 2-50
2.3.7 Precautions for Timer B (pulse period/pulse width measurement mode) ......................... 2-51
2.4 Clock-Synchronous Serial I/O Usage ....................................................................................... 2-52
2.4.1 Overview of the clock-synchronous serial I/O usage ......................................................... 2-52
2.4.2 Operation of Serial I/O (transmission in clock-synchronous serial I/O mode) ................... 2-60
2.4.3 Operation of the Serial I/O (transmission in clock-synchronous serial I/O mode, transfer clock
output from multiple pins function selected) ...................................................................... 2-64
2.4.4 Operation of Serial I/O (reception in clock-synchronous serial I/O mode) ......................... 2-68
2.4.5 Precautions for Serial I/O (in clock-synchronous serial I/O) .............................................. 2-72
2.5 Clock-Asynchronous Serial I/O (UART) Usage ........................................................................ 2-74
2.5.1 Overview of the clock-asynchronous serial I/O usage ....................................................... 2-74
2.5.2 Operation of Serial I/O (transmission in UART mode) ....................................................... 2-84
2.5.3 Operation of Serial I/O (reception in UART mode) ............................................................ 2-88