Actel Fusion Mixed-Signal FPGAs
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The Control/Status register (CTRL_STAT) is an 8-bit register that defines the operation of the RTC.
The Control register can reset the RTC, enabling operation to begin with all zeroes in the counter.
The RTC can be configured to clear upon a match with the Match register, or it can continue to
count while still setting the match signal. To enable the Fusion device to power up at a specific time
or at periodic intervals, the RTC can be configured to turn on the 1.5 V voltage regulator.
Table 2-17 RTC Control/Status Register
RTC Reset: Writing a logic 1 to this bit causes an RTC reset.2 Writing a logic 0 to this bit will
allow synchronous deassertion of reset after two ACM_CLK cycles if VCC33UP = 1.
Counter Enable: A logic 1 in this bit will enable the counter if the RTC is not in reset.
It takes 64 RTCCLK positive edges (one-half of the prescaler division factor), after reset is
removed and cntr_en = 1, before the counter is incremented.4
A logic 0 in this bit resets the prescaler and therefore suspends incrementing the counter,
but the counter is not reset.
Before writing to the counter registers, the counter must be disabled.
Voltage Regulator Enable on Match: Writing a logic 1 to this bit will allow the RTCMATCH
output port to go to logic 1 when a match occurs between the 40-bit counter and the 40-
bit match register.
Logic 0 forces RTCMATCH to logic 0 to prevent enabling the voltage regulator from the
Crystal Oscillator Mode: These bits control the RTCXTLMODE[1:0] output ports that are
connected to the RTCMODE[1:0] input pins of the crystal oscillator pad. For 32 kHz crystal
operation, this should be set to '01'.
rst_cnt_omat Reset Counter on Match: A logic 1 written to this bit allows the counter to clear itself when
a match occurs. In this situation, the 40-bit counter clears on the next rising edge of the
prescaled clock, approximately 4 ms after the match occurs (the prescaled clock toggles at a
rate of 256 Hz, given a 32.768 kHz external crystal).
A logic 0 written to this bit allows the counter to increment indefinitely while still allowing
match events to occur.
Counter Reset: A logic 0 resets the 40-bit counter value to zero. A logic 1 allows the
counter to count.4
Crystal Oscillator Enable: This bit controls the RTCXTLSEL output port connected to the
SELMODE input pin of the crystal oscillator. If a logic 0 is written to this bit, only the FPGA
fabric can be used to control the crystal oscillator EN and MODE[1:0] inputs.
xtal_en = 1: RTC takes control of crystal oscillator. For example, the RTC Mode bits
configure the crystal oscillator (not the FPGA mode bits).
To enable sleep mode, set xtal_en = ‘0’, so the crystal is controlled from the FPGA EN signal.
Then when the FPGA is powered down, the signal from the fpga_en will be 0. It disables
the crystal oscillator.
1. Default state (set when VCC33UP = 0) for bits 0–7 is logic 0.
2. Reset of all RTC states (except this Control/Status register) occurs asynchronously if VCC33UP = 0 or
CTRL_STAT bit 7 (rtc_rst) is set to 1.
3. Reset is removed synchronously after two rising edges of ACM_CLK, following both VCC33UP = 1 and rtc_rst = 0.
4. Counter will first increment on the 64th rising edge of RTCCLK after all of the following are true:
a. reset is removed
b. rstb_cnt (CTRL_STAT bit 1) is set to 1
c. cntr_en (CTRL_STAT bit 6) is set to 1
and will then increment every 128 RTCCLK cycles.