The Block Diagram shows the major functional blocks of
the LTC4314. The LTC4314 is a 1:4 multiplexer with ca-
pacitance buffering for I2C signals. Capacitance buffering
is achieved by use of back to back buffers on the clock
and data channels which isolate the SDAIN and SCLIN
capacitances from the SDAOUT and SCLOUT capacitances
respectively. All SDA and SCL pins are fully bidirectional.
The high noise margin allows the LTC4314 to operate
with I2C devices that drive a non-compliant high VOL.
Multiplexing is done using N-channel MOSFETs that are
controlled by dedicated ENABLE pins. When enabled,
rise time accelerator pull-up currents IRTA turn on dur-
ing rising edges to reduce system rise time. In a typical
application the input side bus is pulled up to VCC and the
output side busses are pulled up to VCC2 although these
are not requirements. VCC is the primary power supply to
the LTC4314. VCC and VCC2 serve as the input and output
side rise time accelerator supplies respectively. Ground-
ing VCC2 disables the output side rise time accelerators.
The multiplexer N-channel MOSFET gates of the enabled
channels are driven to VCC2 if VCC2 is > 1.8V, otherwise
they are driven to VCC.
When the LTC4314 rst receives power on its VCC pin, it
starts out in an undervoltage lockout mode (UVLO) until
110μs after VCC exceeds 2.3V. During this time, the buffers
and rise time accelerators are disabled, the multiplexer
gates are off and the LTC4314 ignores transitions on the
clock and data pins independent of the state of the ENABLE
pins. VCC2 transitions from a high to a low or vice-versa
across a 1.8V threshold also cause the LTC4314 to dis-
able the buffers, rise time accelerators and transmission
gates and to ignore the clock and data pins until 110μs
after that transition. Assuming that the LTC4314 is not
in UVLO mode, when one or more ENABLEs is asserted,
the LTC4314 activates the connection circuitry between
the SDAIN, SCLIN inputs and selected output channels.
The input rise time accelerators and the output rise time
accelerators of the selected channels are also enabled at
this time. When a SDA,SCL input pin or output pin on an
enabled output channel is driven below the VIL,FALLING
level of 0.33VMIN, the buffers are turned on and the logic
low level is propagated though the LTC4314 to the other
side. For VCC2 > 1.8V, VMIN is the lower of the VCC and
VCC2 voltages. For VCC2 < 1.8V, VMIN is the VCC voltage.
The LTC4314 is designed to sink a minimum total bus
current IOL of 4mA while holding a VOL of 0.4V. If multiple
output channels are enabled, the bus current of all enabled
channels needs to be summed to get the total bus current.
See the Typical Performance Characteristics curves for IOL
as a function of temperature.
A high occurs when all devices on the input and output
sides release high. Once the bus voltages rise above the
VIL,RISING level, which is determined by the state of the ACC
pin, the buffers are turned off. The rise time accelerators
are turned on at a slightly higher voltage. The rise time
accelerators accelerate the rising edges of the SDA,SCL
inputs and selected outputs up to voltages of 0.9VCC and
0.8VCC2 respectively, provided that the busses on their
own are rising at a minimum rate of 0.2V/μs as determined
by the slew rate detectors. ACC is a 3-state input that con-
trols VIL,RISING, the rise time accelerator turn-on voltage
and the rise time accelerator pull-up strength.
The LTC4314 detects a bus stuck low (fault) condition
when both clock and data busses are not simultaneously
high at least once in 45ms. The voltage monitoring for a
stuck low condition is done on the common internal node
of the clock and data outputs. Hence a stuck low condition
is detected only if it occurs on an enabled output channel.
When a stuck bus occurs, the LTC4314 asserts the FAULT
ag. If DISCEN is tied high, the LTC4314 also disconnects
the input and output sides. After waiting at least 40μs, it
generates up to sixteen 5.5kHz clock pulses on the enabled
SCLOUT pins and a stop bit to attempt to free the stuck
bus. If the bus recovers high before 16 clocks are issued,
the LTC4314 ceases issuing clocks and generates a stop
bit. If DISCEN is tied low, a stuck bus event only causes
sides and clock generation do not occur. Once the stuck
bus recovers and the fault has been cleared, in order for a
connection to be established between the input and output
sides, all ENABLE pins need to be driven low followed
by the assertion high of the desired ENABLE pins. When
powering into a stuck low condition, the LTC4314 upon
exiting UVLO will connect the input and output sides for
45ms until a stuck bus timeout event is detected.