With this variation of reset threshold in mind, the nominal
reset threshold of the supervisor resides below the
minimum supply voltage; just enough so that the reset
threshold band and the power supply tolerance bands do
not overlap. If the two bands overlap, the supervisor
could generate a false or nuisance reset when the power
supply remains within its specified tolerance band (for
example at 4.8V).
Adding half of the reset threshold accuracy spread (1.5%)
to the ideal 5% thresholds puts the LTC2908 thresholds at
6.5% (typ) below the nominal input voltage. For example,
the 5V typical threshold is 4.675V, or 75mV below the ideal
threshold of 4.750V. The guaranteed threshold lies in the
band between 4.600V (8% below 5V) and 4.750V (5%
below 5V) over temperature.
The powered system must work reliably down to the
lowest voltage in the threshold band or risk malfunction
before the reset line falls. In the 5V example, using the
1.5% accurate supervisor, the system ICs must work
down to 4.60V (8% below 5V). System ICs working with
±2.5% accurate supervisor must operate down to 4.50V
(10% below 5V), increasing the required system voltage
margin and the probability of system malfunction.
In any supervisory application, supply noise riding on the
monitored DC voltage can cause spurious resets, particu-
larly when the monitored voltage is near the reset thresh-
old. A less desirable but common solution to this problem
is to introduce hysteresis around the nominal threshold.
Notice however, this hysteresis introduces an error term
in the threshold accuracy. Therefore, a
±2.5% accurate
monitor with
±1% hysteresis is equivalent to a ±3.5%
monitor with no hysteresis.
Therefore, the LTC2908 takes a different approach to
solving this problem of supply noise causing spurious
reset. The first line of defense against this spurious reset
is a first order lowpass filter at the output of the compara-
tors. Therefore, each comparator output is integrated over
time before triggering the output logic. Therefore, any kind
of transient at the input of the comparator needs to be of
sufficient magnitude and duration before it can trigger a
change in the output logic.
The second line of defense is the 200ms delay time tRST.
This delay eliminates the effect of any supply noise, whose
frequency is above 1/200ms = 5Hz, on the RST output.
When any one of the supply voltages drops below its
threshold, the RST pin asserts low. When the supply
recovers above its threshold, the reset-pulse-generator
timer starts counting.
If all the supplies remain above their corresponding thresh-
old when the timer finishes counting, the RST pin weakly
pulls high. However, if any of the supplies falls below its
threshold any time during the period when the timer is still
counting, the timer resets and it starts fresh when all the
supplies rise above their corresponding threshold.
Note that this second line of defense is only effective for a
rising supply and does not affect the sensitivity of the
system to a falling supply. Therefore, the first line of
defense that works for both cases of rising and falling is
necessary. These two approaches prevent spurious reset
caused by supply noise without sacrificing the threshold
Although all six comparators for the six inputs have built-
in glitch filtering, use bypass capacitors on the V1 and V2
inputs because the greater of V1 or V2 supplies the VCC for
the part (a 0.1
F ceramic capacitor satisfies most applica-
tions). Apply filter capacitors on the V3, V4, VADJ1 and
VADJ2 inputs in extremely noisy situations.
Figure 5. Typical Threshold Accuracy vs Temperature
2908 F05