LTC1566-1: Low Noise 2.3MHz Continuous Time
Lowpass Filter.
Dual 30MHz Rail-to-Rail Voltage FB Amplier.
2.7V to ±15V supplies. Very high A VOL, 500μV offset and
520ns settling to 0.5LSB for a 4V swing. THD and noise
are –93dB to 40kHz and below 1LSB to 320kHz (AV = 1,
2VP-P into 1kΩ, VS = 5V), making the part excellent for AC
applications (to 1/3 Nyquist) where rail-to-rail performance
is desired. Quad version is available as LT1631.
LT1632: Dual 45MHz Rail-to-Rail Voltage FB Amplier.
2.7V to ±15V supplies. Very high AVOL, 1.5mV offset and
400ns settling to 0.5LSB for a 4V swing. It is suitable for
applications with a single 5V supply. THD and noise are
–93dB to 40kHz and below 1LSB to 800kHz (AV = 1,
2VP-P into 1kΩ, VS = 5V), making the part excellent for
AC applications where rail-to-rail performance is desired.
Quad version is available as LT1633.
LT1801: 80MHz GBWP, –75dBc at 500kHz, 2mA/amplier,
LT1806/LT1807: 325MHz GBWP, –80dBc distortion at
5MHz, unity gain stable, rail-to-rail in and out, 10mA/am-
plier, 3.5nV/√Hz.
LT1810: 180MHz GBWP, –90dBc distortion at 5MHz,
unity gain stable, rail-to-rail in and out, 15mA/amplier,
LT1818/LT1819: 400MHz, 2500V/μs, 9mA, Single/Dual
Voltage Mode Operational Amplier.
LT6200: 165MHz GBWP, –85dBc distortion at 1MHz,
unity gain stable, rail-to-rail in and out, 15mA/amplier,
LT6203: 100MHz GBWP, –80dBc distortion at 1MHz,
unity gain stable, rail-to-rail in and out, 3mA/amplier,
LT6600: Amplier/Filter Differential In/Out with 10MHz
Cutoff Frequency.
conversion, the analog inputs draw only a small leakage
current. If the source impedance of the driving circuit is
low, then the LTC2351-14 inputs can be driven directly. As
source impedance increases, so will acquisition time. For
minimum acquisition time with high source impedance,
a buffer amplier must be used. The main requirement is
that the amplier driving the analog input(s) must settle
after the small current spike before the next conversion
starts (the time allowed for settling must be at least 39ns
for full throughput rate). Also keep in mind while choos-
ing an input amplier the amount of noise and harmonic
distortion added by the amplier.
Choosing an input amplier is easy if a few requirements
are taken into consideration. First, to limit the magnitude
of the voltage spike seen by the amplier from charging
the sampling capacitor, choose an amplier that has a low
output impedance (< 100Ω) at the closed-loop bandwidth
frequency. For example, if an amplier is used in a gain
of 1 and has a unity-gain bandwidth of 50MHz, then the
output impedance at 50MHz must be less than 100Ω.
The second requirement is that the closed-loop band-
width must be greater than 40MHz to ensure adequate
small-signal settling for full throughput rate. If slower op
amps are used, more time for settling can be provided by
increasing the time between conversions. The best choice
for an op amp to drive the LTC2351-14 depends on the
application. Generally, applications fall into two categories:
AC applications where dynamic specications are most
critical and time domain applications where DC accuracy
and settling time are most critical. The following list is a
summary of the op amps that are suitable for driving the
LTC2351-14. More detailed information is available in
the Linear Technology Databooks and on the Web site at