capacitive current spike will be generated on the reference
pin by the ADC. These current spikes settle quickly and do
not cause a problem.
Using a slower CLK will allow more time for the reference
to settle. Even at the maximum CLK rate of 500kHz most
references and op amps can be made to settle within the
Large external source resistors and capacitances will slow
the settling of the inputs. It is important that the overall
RC time constants be short enough to allow the analog
inputs to completely settle within the allowed time.
RC Input Filtering
It is possible to lter the inputs with an RC network as
shown in Figure 9. For large values of CF (e.g., 1μF), the
capacitive input switching currents are averaged into a
net DC current. Therefore, a lter should be chosen with
a small resistor and large capacitor to prevent DC drops
across the resistor. The magnitude of the DC current is
approximately IDC = 25pF(VIN/tCYC) and is roughly pro-
portional to VIN. When running at the minimum cycle time
of 29μs, the input current equals 4.3μA at VIN = 5V. In this
case, a lter resistor of 390Ω will cause 0.1LSB of full-
scale error. If a larger lter resistor must be used, errors
can be eliminated by increasing the cycle time.
Figure 9. RC Input Filtering
Input Leakage Current
Input leakage currents can also create errors if the source
resistance gets too large. For instance, the maximum input
leakage specication of 1μA (at 125°C) owing through a
source resistance of 3.9k will cause a voltage drop of 3.9mV
or 0.2LSB. This error will be much reduced at lower tem-
peratures because leakage drops rapidly (see typical curve
of Input Channel Leakage Current vs Temperature).
The voltage on the reference input of the LTC1096 denes
the voltage span of the A/D converter. The reference
input transient capacitive switching currents due to the
switched-capacitor conversion technique (see Figure 10).
During each bit test of the conversion (every CLK cycle), a
Figure 10. Reference Input Equivalent Circuit
2μs bit time.
Reduced Reference Operation
The minimum reference voltage of the LTC1098 is limited
to 3V because the VCC supply and reference are internally
tied together. However, the LTC1096 can operate with
reference voltages below 1V.
The effective resolution of the LTC1096 can be increased
by reducing the input span of the converter. The LTC1096
exhibits good linearity and gain over a wide range of ref-
erence voltages (see typical curves of Linearity and Full
Scale Error vs Reference Voltage). However, care must be
taken when operating at low values of VREF because of the
reduced LSB step size and the resulting higher accuracy
requirement placed on the converter. The following factors
must be considered when operating at low VREF values.
1. Offset
2. Noise
3. Conversion speed (CLK frequency)
Offset with Reduced VREF
The offset of the LTC1096 has a larger effect on the output
code when the ADC is operated with reduced reference
voltage. The offset (which is typically a xed voltage)
becomes a larger fraction of an LSB as the size of the
LSB is reduced. The typical curve of Unadjusted Offset
Error vs Reference Voltage shows how offset in LSBs is
10968 F09
5pF TO 30pF
10968 F10