LSN-10A D3 Series
N O N - I S O L A T E D , 1 0 - 2 5 W S I P D C / D C C O N V E R T E R S
Thermal Considerations and Thermal Protection
The typical output-current thermal-derating curves shown above enable
designers to determine how much current they can reliably derive from each
model of the LSN D3 SIP's under known ambient-temperature and air-ow
conditions. Similarly, the curves indicate how much air ow is required to
reliably deliver a required output current at known temperatures.
The highest temperatures in LSN D3 SIP's occur at their output inductor,
whose heat is generated primarily by I2R losses. The curves below were
developed using thermocouples to monitor the inductor temperature and
varying the load to keep that temperature below +110°C under the assorted
conditions of air ow and air temperature. Once the temperature exceeds
+115°C (approx.), the thermal protection will disable the converter. Automatic
restart occurs after the temperature has dropped below +110°C.
In all cases below, the DUT's were vertical-mount models, and the direction
of air ow was parallel to the unit in the direction from pin 1 to pin 11.
As you may deduce from the above curves and can observe in the efciency
curves on the next page, LSN D3 SIP's are more efcient at lower current
levels. Also, I2R losses in the output inductor are signicantly less at lower
currents. Consequently, LSN D3 SIP's deliver very impressive temperature
performance if operating at less than full load.
Lastly, when LSN D3 SIP's are installed in system boards, they are obviously
subject to numerous factors and tolerances not taken into account above.
If you are attempting to extract the most current out of these units under
demanding temperature conditions, we advise you to monitor the output-
inductor temperature to ensure it remains below +110°C at all times.
Thermal Performance for "H" Models
Enhanced thermal performance can be achieved when LSN D3 SIP's are
mounted horizontally ("H" models) and the output inductor (with its electrically
isolating, thermally conductive pad installed) is thermally coupled to a copper
plane/pad (at least 0.55 square inches in area) on the system board.Your
conditions may vary, however our tests indicate this conguration delivers a
16°C to 22°C improvement in ambient operating temperatures.
they will either fail to start or self destruct. In both cases, the cause is the
"freewheeling" or "catch" FET biasing itself on and effectively becoming a
short circuit.
LSN D3 SIP DC/DC converters are not damaged from Output Reverse
Conduction. They employ proprietary gate drive circuitry which makes them
immune to applied voltages during the startup sequence. If you are using
an external power source paralleled with the LSN, be aware that during the
start up phase, some low impedance condition or transient current may be
absorbed briey into the LSN output terminals before voltage regulation is
fully established.You should insure that paralleled external power sources are
not disrupted by this condition during LSN start up.