Application Notes
Low Supply Voltage.
National provides guaranteed perfor-
mance at 2.7V and 5V. These guarantees ensure operation
throughout the battery lifetime.
Rail-to-Rail Output.
Rail-to-rail output swing provides maxi-
mum possible dynamic range at the output. This is particu-
larly important when operating on low supply voltages.
Input Includes Ground.
Allows direct sensing near GND in
single supply operation.
The differential input voltage may be larger than V
damaging the device. Protection should be provided to pre-
vent the input voltages from going negative more than 0.3V
(at 25C). An input clamp diode with a resistor to the IC input
terminal can be used.
2.0 Capacitive Load Tolerance
The LPV321/358/324 can directly drive 200 pF in unity-gain
without oscillation. The unity-gain follower is the most sensi-
tive configuration to capacitive loading. Direct capacitive
loading reduces the phase margin of amplifiers. The combi-
nation of the amplifier’s output impedance and the capacitive
load induces phase lag. This results in either an under-
damped pulse response or oscillation. To drive a heavier ca-
pacitive load, circuit in Figure 1 can be used.
In Figure 1 the isolation resistor R
and the load capacitor
form a pole to increase stability by adding more phase
margin to the overall system. The desired performance de-
pends on the value of R
. The bigger the R
value, the more stable V
will be. Figure 2 is an output
waveform of Figure 1 using 100k
for R
and 1000pF for
The circuit in Figure 3is an improvement to the one in Figure
1 because it provides DC accuracy as well as AC stability. If
there were a load resistor in Figure 1 the output would be
voltage divided by R
and the load resistor. Instead, in Fig-
ure 3 R
provides the DC accuracy by using feed-forward
techniques to connect V
to R
. Caution is needed in choos-
ing the value of R
due to the input bias current of the
LPV321/358/324. C
and R
serve to counteract the loss
of phase margin by feeding the high frequency component of
the output signal back to the amplifier’s inverting input,
thereby preserving phase margin in the overall feedback
loop. Increased capacitive drive is possible by increasing the
value of C
. This in turn will slow down the pulse response.
3.0 Input Bias Current Cancellation
The LPV321/358/324 family has a bipolar input stage. The
typical input bias current of LPV321/358/324 is 1.5nA with
5V supply. Thus a 100k
input resistor will cause 0.15mV of
error voltage. By balancing the resistor values at both invert-
ing and non-inverting inputs, the error caused by the ampli-
fier’s input bias current will be reduced. The circuit in Figure
4 shows how to cancel the error caused by input bias
4.0 Typical Single-Supply Application Circuits
4.1 Difference Amplifier
The difference amplifier allows the subtraction of two volt-
ages or, as a special case, the cancellation of a signal com-
mon to two inputs. It is useful as a computational amplifier, in
making a differential to single-ended conversion or in reject-
ing a common mode signal.
FIGURE 1. Indirectly Driving A Capacitive Load Using
Resistive Isolation
FIGURE 2. Pulse Response of the LPV324 Circuit in
Figure 1
FIGURE 3. Indirectly Driving A Capacitive Load with
DC Accuracy
FIGURE 4. Cancelling the Error Caused by Input Bias